Captain Raul knew it was going to end when he heard Capello’s words

Capello also understands Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia, but he has had a long contact with Qin Xiong. Raul is very white. What is Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia?
No, that’s almost family!
No one would like to hear what Capello just said, and it’s still so harsh.
Qin Xiong pupil miniature one second before the calm restraint department was completely forgotten by him.
He can choose whether the theory of silence is patient or inclusive at work or considerate that he doesn’t care about Capello.
But Capello said such irresponsible things. Maybe he really didn’t know the truth. He hoped harsh words would wake Qin Xiong up, but he didn’t speak if he didn’t understand!
Qin Xiong is Farren Capello who described Sylvia as the kind of woman who fought for money to sell her sex life, whether intentionally or intentionally.
He took a step forward, and his handsome face suddenly became ferocious and violent!
Capello! You listen to me clearly! I don’t need your apology! What you just said made me understand that you are not an arrogant bastard and very, very disgusting!
I didn’t do anything wrong. Your accusation is wishful thinking!
I am not grateful to you, and we are not good.
I can honestly tell you that you are the worst manager I have ever worked with!
Koman gave Qin Xiong a chance. Fan Jiaer Qin Xiong hit the door of profound football skills and tactics. Wenger pushed Qin Xiong to the height of a superstar
What did Capello give Qin Xiong?
Even after Qin Xiong won the Golden Globe Award, he still thought it was unfair!
Fuck you. It’s not fair!
Qin Xiong has always regarded him as sometimes uncomfortable, so forget it.
But today, he won’t choose to continue to endure Capello’s nagging and making a mountain out of a molehill. He is always declaring his power and so on. Qin Xiong is tired to the limit!
Capello didn’t expect Qin Xiong to explode suddenly. It was like rebellion!
He said coldly with a straight face, Without me, you didn’t have you when you played in Real Madrid for a minute. How could you achieve today? It was I who gave you the letter and gave you the opportunity to become the focus of the world!
Qin Xiong laughed instead of anger after listening to this. His face leaned forward even more, and his nose was almost on Capello’s nose. Capello eventually maintained a dignified expression and was not afraid of Qin Xiong.
Capello, you will laugh off the fangs of heaven and man when you say these words!
Without you?
How many people are hoping that Real Madrid will not have you!
Who is saving the game when your defensive philosophy can’t bring victory to Real Madrid?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you emphasize again and again that defense is the foundation of development, who is getting you through the crisis of trust?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you promised to be laughed at, when several Real Madrid members hissed at you and told you to get out, who kept your ass so that you could still sit in the position of Real Madrid coach?
Or me and my teammates attack!
When the team’s record is getting better and better, who makes you stand on your high horse in front of the media? It’s like restoring the style of the champion coach and pointing out the country?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
夜网论坛You are worthless without our attack to win the goal!
How long can you lie to yourself?
Don’t let me play?
You know better than anyone what my winning percentage is in the absent team! What’s the goal rate!
Fabio Capello!
We are keeping your job and keeping you here!
Don’t judge me at will. Don’t talk to me in a bossy way!
I never owe you anything!
Yes, you should give me enough respect!
Qin Xiong’s words made Capello stunned. The atmosphere in the training ground was dignified. The teammates were all arguing with Qin Xiong Capello.
At this time, Mijatovic, the football director of the club, was inserted into Lieutenant General Qin Xiong Capello.
Mijatovic symbolically said sternly to Qin Xiong, Qin Xiong goes back!
This is to give Qin Xiong a step forward. Cassano Capello’s mentor and apprentice turned against each other before, and the Real Madrid Club also emphasized the need to ensure the discipline of the team. Now Qin Xiong is guilty!
Mijatovic turned around to appease Capello, trying to make Capello roll with the punches.
Mijatovic is more important than anyone else. He doesn’t want Capello to use the topic to make things out of control.
However, Capello, who has always been dignified, is not going to let it go. He said to Mijatovic, From today on, Qin Xiong will go to the second team for training. If I coach Real Madrid for one day, he will not appear in our squad. I suggest that the club lend him out after the winter transfer window opens.
As Qin Xiong has just transferred to France twice a year in the summer, he can leave the team on loan.
Mijatovic’s face was startled. He didn’t know what happened to former Capello and Qin Xiong. I didn’t expect things to be so serious!
Qin Xiong naturally heard Capello’s words. He turned away disdainfully and spat. He turned and walked in the direction of the dressing room to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has become a struggle before it is drawn]
Qin Xiong returned to the locker room and changed clothes and left the training base.
On the outskirts of the training base, the reporters were at a loss to know that Qin Xionggang had just come to train, but the car left.
The reporter with a keen sense of smell has realized that there is definitely a big news in the training ground!
Because it is easy to think that Qin Xiong appeared in a nightclub yesterday, Capello is also a coach who pays great attention to discipline and pays special attention to the private lives of players.
The reporters tried their best to find out what happened in the Real Madrid Department through many inquiries.
Although the training ground resumed training, the players were absentminded after witnessing Capello Qin Xiong’s complete break.
The players are worried about the team.
Qin Xiong’s importance is vividly reflected in the stadium. Everyone knows that his competitive strength will slip after losing him.
However, those players who are dissatisfied with Capello’s tyranny have some schadenfreude in their hearts. They hope that the bigger the matter, the better, and the best way to get Capello out of the family.
Madrid media soon learned what happened at Real Madrid training ground.
The truth is close to 1%!
This detonated the enthusiasm of the Madrid media and the European media.
Naturally, it is a good thing for the media.
Although this kind of big news is shocking, it can be said that the incident of Beckham Ferguson flying the boot door in the past is comparable, but the news that the new European coach Mr. Golden Ball broke up and verbally humiliated Capello is also super sensational!