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He analyzed his present situation.

The strength of Hiemanholder is even more so after his magic skill, not to mention what unknown skills they have. Mo Xiaoxie can’t stand their ordinary skills alone.
To his pride, decomposition also cracked the mind with the Seaman effect in the possession of the God of War, and unlike decomposition, it was a little too farfetched to make up for it. Mo Xiaoxie never dared to be careless and finally maintained a high degree of vigilance
Hiemanholder’s selfconfidence has long since vanished, and all they have left is surprise.
The enemy can even look at the judgment arrow, which must be incredibly powerful. Hiemanholder has firmly believed that Mo Xiaoxie is an incarnation of a demigod. Looking at Mo Xiaoxie’s indifferent attitude, he felt nervous in his heart.
Brother, we haven’t joined forces against the enemy for a long time. It seems that now is an opportunity!
hmm! Seaman smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he was still uneasy and couldn’t shake it.
Soon, Hurd played magic.
Mo Xiaoxie doesn’t want him to succeed. It’s easy to lock him up and break him down!
Hurd immediately felt severe discomfort, and every cell was shaking as if trying to fly out. This was a sign of danger. Hurd hurriedly drank a cup of God of War and the virtual shadow immediately appeared behind him. This situation disappeared.
Held’s figure grew bigger and bigger in a burst of light, although it eventually rose to five meters high, but the virtual shadow of God of War behind him was still there and very tall.
The weapon held by the god of war, Virtual Shadow, is just two handles like Seaman, and Herder still holds his epic weapon, a hooked sword.
When Mo Xiaoxie knew that the God of War possessed him, he was much longer than his real demon incarnation. Worse, the two enemies had higher levels.
Seaman held both rushed over. They got bigger, but the speed was not slow at all. Especially when held saw a ghosting flash, held had appeared in front of Mo Xiaoxie.
Behind him, the virtual image of the God of War immediately slammed two swords at Mo Xiaoxie, and at the same time waved his hook sword.
Mo Xiaoxie waved the ice magic sword and rushed to fight back.
Mo Xiaoxie felt that Alexander’s enemy was too fast, and he couldn’t keep pace with it. Now another enemy has arrived, and he will be completely passive. I’m afraid he didn’t even have a chance to make a split and create a mind. He quickly secretly used the mirror skill.
Seaman’s sword cut to cut in Mo Xiaoxie’s back, but Mo Xiaoxie’s body suddenly disappeared and disappeared.
The other disciples immediately became extremely vigilant.
In an instant, when Mo Xiaoxie appeared not far behind them and threw three cracks at the same time to create a soul, Seaman held his teleport skills aside to avoid Mo Xiaoxie’s attack
Extreme condition is extreme condition. It’s really not easy to deal with. Many skills have lost their best effect by one level.
Other means are not as good as Mo Xiaoxie to calculate his strongest blow.
He roared in a low voice, and the flame suddenly went crazy and jumped fast. The bloody battle has been released, and he will consume his life and gain the overall strength. hp will rise by 1% per second, and his overall strength will double.
Then Mo Xiaoxie moved the extremely magic armor with extremely magic possession skills, and he added 5% attributes to the original base.
I got the gain magic from the hydra king, and then I sent a surplus to impose on myself.
Seeing that Mo Xiaoxie was constantly gaining skills, Seaman held his mind at ease. It seems that the other side seems to be at the end of their tether.
Brother, let’s kill him in one breath!
Then carve up the half artifact in his hand!
Seaman held smiled and then jumped on Mo Xiaoxie like a tiger.
Mo Xiaoxie continued to add extra attributes by himself and did not forget to snatch some gain potions from the alchemists.
In the state of multiple gains, Mo Xiaoxie’s body is radiant, and magical elements are flashing wildly in him.
Mo Xiaoxie also got a skill called Evil Energy Enhancement from the Apocalypse Elephant Resinari, which can not only increase the damage bonus of the skill, but also directly increase the physical strength attribute.
Mo Xiaoxie often transports evil energy to attack, but this evil energy enhancement is to impose evil energy gain on himself.
Soon Mo Xiaoxie’s flame turned green and weirder than before.
Two powerful enemies came and killed them angrily.
桑拿按摩Mo Xiaoxie felt the surge of physical strength and immediately roared with heroism. A huge magic evil energy was madly poured into two weapons.
See seaman held Mo Xiaoxie want big move not to be outdone also rally strength.

At the press conference after the game, Coleman first took a deep breath in front of all the reporters as if to calm down the excitement, and then said, I’m sorry, I seem to have returned to the state of being unable to restrain myself from being excited when I was a player. Today, Liverpool performed perfectly in this game, but I think praise should be given to my players. They showed invincible and plundered the ambition to win, which is good because we are the defending champions and want to kick us away. Sorry, we will show them what the championship strength is!

Coleman’s white field shocked reporters. Liverpool no longer seems to be hiding anything, and now it will make no secret of its championship ambitions.
Koman has saved for a long time, but now he is not squandering it, but showing a positive momentum.
Because he knows that he has tried to suppress the pride of Liverpool players
But Liverpool didn’t relax, didn’t despise their opponents and didn’t get tired of the game.
Then too much warning at this time will be disgusted by the players.
Coleman can also shout out the slogan of winning the championship and tell the outside world that Liverpool’s goal is to defend its title and successfully create the Champions League, and people can achieve glory!
Thomas, a sports columnist of The Times, raised his hand and asked, What do you think are the reasons why Liverpool finally beat A Milan 60 in a game? A Milan is by no means such a vulnerable opponent.
Coleman pondered for a moment and then replied, The reason is more complicated. First of all, Liverpool has more energy to prepare for this game. Even if our league opponent is Manchester United at the weekend, our lead in the standings is huge, and A Milan has a certain lead in Serie A, but the pursuers behind them put great pressure on them, which makes it difficult for them to choose between twotrack battles.
Secondly, Liverpool took away 20 victory at the San Siro, and we were ahead of the total score, which enabled us to face the game better. Liverpool have an advantage in mentality and spirit.
Finally, it is a comparison. Milan’s return in the first round is at the cost of injury. Gattuso Flamini’s suspension allows them to send some inexperienced teenagers in midfield.
The overall strength of Liverpool is stronger than that of A Milan. I firmly believe that Liverpool is stronger and then plays perfectly, and the tactical execution of the game is perfect. It is a reasonable result that we win.
I don’t think people who have watched the game will think that this game is a Milan’s abnormal performance. They can say that all factors are unfavorable to A Milan, but Liverpool didn’t make mistakes and the good state has already decided the result of this game.
Howard, a reporter from the Guardian, raised his hand and asked, Can you look forward to Liverpool’s coming to the Champions League? Do you want to avoid opponents in the strong draw?
Coleman shook his head directly and said, We will not be afraid of our opponents. This is what I have been repeating, but I think it is necessary to repeat this sentence because it represents Liverpool’s posture. We are the defending champions. It should be for all strong teams to try their best to avoid us instead of thinking about what opponents will create problems for us. However, I still want to say that no team is a weak team in the strong. Although Liverpool is not afraid of its opponents, we should be alert to our opponents. We cannot be careless.
Coleman said this firmly. Although he said this, he was more focused on drawing lots for opponents! to be continued
[The first volume of sword unsheathed has become a new plan of Feng 1313]
After the second leg of the Europa League quarterfinal on Thursday, UEFA held the draw ceremony for the UEFA Champions League.
England occupied three more seats in the top teams in the Champions League this season, and Arsenal was eliminated by Barcelona in the quarterfinal.
And these three teams from England were assigned to the same halfzone.
Liverpool vs Donetsk miners
Chelsea vs Manchester United
The other half is the Spanish duo.
Barcelona vs inter Milan
Real Madrid vs Schalke 4
In this way, Fleet Street first shouted the slogan that there will be an English team in the Champions League final.
First of all, it is not difficult for Liverpool to beat the Donetsk miners. Secondly, even if Liverpool is eliminated by Waterloo, it is unlikely that the Donetsk miners will continue to work miracles to eliminate Manchester United or Chelsea in the semifinals.
The strength of Premier League teams in Europe continues.
品茶Liverpool’s response to the draw for Donetsk miners was relatively dull.
However, the Liverpool coaching staff think this is a good thing.
Can make the team more fully prepared for future wars.
Weekend Premier League Third Round League Battle
Liverpool visited the stadium to challenge Sunderland, the black cat. Qin Xiong’s play was generally limited by Sunderland’s defensive focus, and even Suarez seemed unable to move in the front line. Sunderland put on an iron bucket array, which made Liverpool feel a little hard because the opponent ruled out the goalkeeper and nine players defended one player’s attack.
It was not until the first minute of the game that the deadlock was broken. Baines accidentally cut into the penalty area and hit the Sunderland defender with a longrange shot, which turned and refracted into the left corner of the goal to help the team score.
Sunderland conceded the goal and put a lot of pressure on Liverpool to win another city from meireles before the end of the game!
Got a 20 victory away from home. Liverpool’s terrorist momentum has not slipped at all.
In this head, meireles has performed well in several consecutive games, and he also has the confidence to challenge Liverpool Football Club.
He needs a firstteam position and more guarantees from the team.
He told the media that he would not rule out leaving Anfield if he could not get a stable appearance and team status guarantee in the future.
Coleman immediately talked to him and made some appeasement, which outlined a beautiful blueprint for his future. The team needed him. In this grand picture of the Red Army, meireles is now an indispensable puzzle.
Because Liverpool wants to build a dynasty!
To restore the glory of the past, it is not as simple as 11 main players who can recruit good fighters. The thickness of the array is a necessary foundation guarantee.
However, Coleman, a midfielder like Spearing trained in Liverpool’s youth training system, still can’t believe that he can’t see the great potential of the players in the future, so there is no need to persist in cultivating the waves and take the risk of slipping records at the same time.
A player like meireles can not only enrich Liverpool’s style of play, but also give the team expectations at the crucial moment. Of course, Liverpool will try to keep him, and it didn’t cost a lot when he was introduced last year
Meireles decided to keep him after communicating with head coach Coleman, and he really felt Coleman’s sincerity. He still enjoyed the team atmosphere, especially the height of the team’s ambition and strength, which made him full of expectations.
In the same round of Premier League matches,
Three points away from Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur was drawn by West Ham United at White Hart Lane, and the prospect of the fourth round became dim.






1. 安全无副作用:中医推拿是一种纯物理疗法,无药物成分,避免了药物治疗的副作用。

2. 简便易行:中医推拿不需要特殊的设备和场地,随时随地都可以进行。

3. 疗效显著:中医推拿对于舒缓肩颈疼痛、改善亚健康状态具有显著疗效。



1. 政府支持:杭州市政府高度重视中医药事业的发展,积极推广中医推拿等传统疗法,为市民提供更多健康服务。

2. 机构增多:越来越多的中医推拿机构在杭州成立,为市民提供便捷的中医推拿服务。

3. 专业人才:杭州中医推拿行业吸引了大量专业人才,他们具备丰富的临床经验和专业知识,为市民提供高质量的推拿服务。



1. 按摩:通过手法按压,刺激肩颈部的穴位,缓解肌肉紧张,改善血液循环。

2. 推拿:运用手法推、拿、揉、捏等技巧,舒缓肩颈部的肌肉,消除疼痛。

3. 拔罐:在肩颈部拔罐,可以促进局部血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。

4. 针灸:通过针刺肩颈部的穴位,调节阴阳平衡,缓解疼痛。



1. 保持正确的坐姿和站姿:长时间保持不良姿势会导致肩颈疼痛,因此要注意调整坐姿和站姿。

2. 适当锻炼:加强颈部和肩部的锻炼,提高肌肉力量,预防疼痛。

3. 定期进行中医推拿:定期进行中医推拿,可以预防肩颈疼痛,保持身体健康。

4. 培养良好的生活习惯:保持良好的作息时间,避免过度劳累,养成健康的饮食习惯。


I shook my head and sighed, At that time, my dad practiced for many years, and ten thousand fighters came back alive … there were less than four thousand people. I don’t remember the specific data. Anyway, it seems that Marten’s team died more than six thousand. But Lyu3 bu4 suffered only two or three thousand casualties. When I remembered the corpses lying all over the valley, I was dying.

Liu Xie heavy eyebrows locked so …..
Although I spoke these words very casually, as if my brother were chatting in his spare time, I would never really say that my brother had to leave room for whatever he said to the emperor. I wouldn’t specifically tell him that more than 6,000 people were dead, and I wouldn’t tell him that if he rode a tiger and leopard now and added some appropriate tactics, I don’t think Lyu3 bu4 would have a chance.
I am willing to let Liu Xie Lyu3 bu4 cavalry natural enemies and my elite cavalry can always fight the peasant army.
After expelling Guo Li, I am afraid that I have been scolded by a dog in the ruling and opposition? I smiled wryly, I don’t want to do anything. Jiuqing didn’t expect an unexpected fire to fulfill my desire to be released outside, but it didn’t come to me … I don’t know who suggested that I should be driven directly to the Saibei grassland.
Liu Xie didn’t speak so that I could continue to talk about Fortunately, the bloodless man recovered the merit of Shuofang and moved to Zhao Guoxiang. He originally wanted to govern the people in Zhao for three or five years in peace … Unexpectedly … I was so sinister! I punched the palm of my left hand.
I have seen Lombardi before … He finally said.
ha? Have you seen him? I’m surprised
It was four years ago that Dong Zhuochu came to Luoyang with the intention of monopolizing the imperial court … He recalled the past. At that time, Yuan Shao’s integrity refused to give in, but he fled back to Hebei to gather the rebels. It was really hateful for Dong thief to put more than 20 members of the Yuan clan in Luoyang to death in anger.
It’s also my fault, Brother Yuan Shao. Didn’t you two know to inform your elders before you fled?
It caused the death and injury of the parents in the family, and the influence in the central court was far less than that of Xun’s Yang. If one of his two fathers was still alive, let alone Jizhou secretariat, he would be promoted to state animal husbandry directly, and no one would talk about it.
Are you sure you want to enlist Liao’s heart? Liu Xie suddenly changed the subject.
This topic has long been questioned by Zhang Wen, Lu Zhi and others. In the face of the emperor, I can behave in a confident way. There must be no problem with Lu’s adult in the rear cooking bureau.
He nodded at ease. That would be great. I don’t know how to reward you when you come back from Liao.
I laughed. I haven’t left yet. Have you thought about it as a reward?
He smiled and said, The achievements of the three counties in Liaodong … probably need to be distributed to Sun.
桑拿论坛Sun? I grabbed Ba. I have a daughter now. Can I share it with her?
Daughter? He hesitated to shake his head. I’m afraid this … I can’t … I’ve never had a daughter who was appointed as a food city in the 400 years since the founding of the country …
I bit my lip to get a local tribute only if I have a royal daughter … Why can’t my daughter?
But you have three or four thousand food cities. Is there any problem with raising a daughter? He joked with a smile
Ah, it’s also my daughter’s home. After all, I want to marry someone else … I no longer consider this question.
Pursuit Longevity slowly approached the bow and waist. The Queen Mother and Princess are coming …
Oh! Liu Xie hold the case a few up I’ll go out to meet he gave me a look love you …
Ah … I got up in a panic. It’s getting late, and I dare not bother.
It’s getting lateit was dark when we went out.
He nodded and waved to Gao Shou and pointed to the iron box. Send someone to send this armor back to Ma Fu.
Nuo bowed again and then gestured to me, Master Ma asked the old slave to send someone to carry the armor.
Thank you. I bowed at will and stepped out of the door.
As soon as I got out of the yard, I saw a dozen people moving over hereconsidering the speed of the queen mother and princess, of course, I have to use the word move
Wait, the queen mother? !
I was just about to wander around these women when a question suddenly popped up. I have never remembered this character in these three years! What queen mother? ! Jump out from where? !
Gao Gonggong? I grabbed Gao Shou and ran to one side. What’s the name of this queen mother?
ah! ?” He was frightened to disgrace. Ma Daren, you … the queen mother’s name is Wang …
It suddenly dawned on me, Yes, yes, yes, the Queen Mother? Why not the queen mother?
If Aiqing is not busy, Liu Xie called behind me, why don’t you come and see a mother?
Busy! There are important things in my family that I dare not disturb you and the queen mother! I dare not look back at him and run to the south.
Your mother and your sister … I * * things!
22 Baojia sends heroes
The carriage and iron box with silver armor lay quietly at my feet.
Ma Daren has arrived at the mansion. Four guards stopped the carriage in two rows.
I jumped out of the car and said, Thank you for sending me.
Someone asked enthusiastically, Which room is Master Ma’s suitcase going to move into?
I moved my shoulders and shook my head. No need, I can move in myself.
Move yourself? !” Four people agreed, This box is almost 300 Jin. If one person can move it?
I knocked on the door first, and then I started to work. When my arms were stuffy, I held the iron box in my arms.
The four people behind him even marveled, It’s really admirable that Lord Ma has extraordinary powers!
Four … I turned my head hard. Farewell! Exposure and ran towards the inner courtyard.
Silver armor is heavier than adding dozens of kilograms of iron suitcase, which is already unbearable for ordinary people. However, I am gifted and have been practicing martial arts for many years before I can barely walk as usualthe speed is about two meters per second.
I’ll go to master you … Pass by Pang Gan’s strange way. You can’t run with such a narrow box? !”
Why don’t you try it? My one mouthful true qi leaked out, and the chest suddenly became heavy, and my feet could not help but slow down.

If you like friends, please order a collection

Thank you very much.
On Wednesday afternoon, Qin Xiong was put on a match list by head coach Coleman, which made Qin Xiong realize his position in the first team although he was very excited.
Because a game belongs to the second round of the Dutch Cup, Ajax will be a guest to challenge the Dutch second team Emmon.
Firstteam players such as captain Van der Vaart, striker Ibrahimovic and veteran Garasek have not entered the competition list, and they will hardly go out with the team.
At the end of the noon training, Fan Jiaer came to the dressing room to find Qin Xiong, gave Qin Xiong an evening ticket, patted Qin Xiong on the shoulder and said, Give the ticket to your friends. Tonight is the first official game of your career, and try to leave a memorable one for yourself. It is good to have friends around you at the end.
Qin Xiong didn’t know that the first team would get the ticket department on the match day. He was grateful and looked forward to returning to waddell Street at noon to hand over the tickets to Freddie, who asked Freddie to invite the landlord, Rutmanson P, and then he called Dehaeus and them to invite them to watch the ball in Emmon later. Thaddeus readily agreed.
In the afternoon, before the evening game, Coleman went to Qin Xiong with a brandnew jersey and handed it to him, saying, But it should be no problem to try on the size now.
Qin Xiong’s eyes are as bright as treasures. He holds the jersey in his hands and feels the comfortable feel of the jersey. He puts his trousers on his shoulders first, and presents the red and white jersey on the front of the jersey in front of his eyes. He can’t help but smile and look at the back of the jersey with his name and number printed on it.
Number two!
The number of firstteam jerseys is very singledigit, and the first number is gone. Qin Xiong chose No.2, which not only means that 2+ equals 1, but also has certain commemorative significance.
The 2nd of next month is the day when Ajax officially signed a professional contract and became a professional player!
Seeing him leisurely admiring his teammates around his jersey is quite a feeling of watching hillbilly.
It is no wonder that in their hearts, Qin Xiong is a poor man, and some of his teammates will not walk side by side with Qin Xiong outside the club, because Qin Xiong always wears that cheap sportswear, which is in great contrast with their famous brand casual wear.
Qin Xiong took off the training shirt and put on the jersey directly. In fact, it is not much different from the training shirt in terms of material and feeling, but Qin Xiong just feels that his selffeeling has changed dramatically after wearing the jersey.
It seems that this brandnew jersey can give him more strength and vitality!
At the end of the afternoon training, captain Van der Vaart symbolically said two words of encouragement to the team before leaving, and then left one after another with other teammates who did not make the big list.
The first team goes to the official competition, and the whole team has higher specifications than the reserve youth team. For example, there are team leaders, team management and administrative personnel who are similar to handymen to solve all the problems during the team’s expedition. The team of doctors and coaches has increased a lot, which is professional and formal.
Emon is in the northeast of the Netherlands, which is the industrial capital in the north of the Netherlands, but the population of Emon is not large, especially for Qin Xiong, a China with a vast territory and a large population, Emon has a population of about 10 thousand.
Emmon Football Club was born more than two years ago, but its professional age is less than two years. Although its stadium has been renovated in recent years, it will give players a comfortable experience of playing football, but the number of stadiums is less than 9 thousand!
It is not the first time for Qin Xiong to come to the modern stadium to play, but today’s arrival at Emmon home with Ajax in the evening still makes him feel fresh, perhaps because of his identity. He is now a professional player.
Unlike before, when he organized a tour to Japan and South Korea in Down’s League, he had a semitourism mentality.
Before the game, they warmed up on the court. Qin Xiong played a ball game with veteran Litmanen. After fully warming up, they returned to the locker room. The coach Koeman coaching staff members were already waiting for them.
Give the players some time to change their jerseys, put on their sneakers and make sure everything is ready. Then Coleman clap his hands and let everyone look at the tactical board and reiterate the technical and tactical arrangements for the opponents in the game again.
On the professionalism of the coach, Koman is to make Qin Xiong have preparation for a rainy day in all aspects, so that the players can have a bottom in mind and make reasonable arrangements after careful consideration of the key points of the game.
Before leaving the dressing room, Koeman mobilized the morale of another team and said to them, Maybe you don’t think the Dutch Cup is important. This is absolutely wrong! We didn’t send an absolute main force to play the game, which doesn’t mean we don’t attach importance to it, but I have confidence in you and you can win the game! And you should also be confident to compete, and then don’t let me down. More importantly, don’t let yourself down. We hope to return to Amsterdam in a good mood after going back to the bus instead of torturing us to sleep in a terrible mood after losing!
Other teammates reacted. Qin Xiong didn’t know that he was listening to Coleman carefully. He couldn’t help but nod his head after Coleman finished.
He yearns for victory, which will make him happy and excited, although it won’t make him get carried away and behave like a madman, but this kind of emotion will certainly exist, and if he doesn’t perform well or loses the game altogether, even in training, there will be a long time when he can’t shake his mind and look for the reasons for the defeat.
Teammates walked out of the locker room together. In the players’ aisle, he saw eleven members of the Emmon team. They were lined up and ready to play. Qin Xiong was in the middle of the team. In front of him was Sid, and behind him was Dede. Both Dutch people looked serious, with a sense of fighting spirit and as if they had natural confidence. They didn’t look at their opponents, as if they were dismissive, saying that we were not at the same level.
The referee is at the head of the team. Today, Litmanen, the captain of the team, smiled and talked with the referee. The referee raised his wrist and looked at his watch to make sure that the required ball was coming. When he looked back at the teams of both teams to make sure that both teams were here, he stepped towards the court with the assistant referee to lead the players of the two teams into the stadium!
The light in the player channel is soft, while the stadium is brightly lit, which makes the light intensity outside the player channel form a certain dark contrast.
In the short road to the stadium, Qin Xiong looked up at the front exit and the stadium seemed to be brighter, which made his heart beat stronger.
When he entered a more light place, Qin Xiong blinked as if he had entered another world!
There was a deafening noise around, and two teams of fans broke out in the small stadium, which made Qin Xiong’s head roar. It took a little time to adapt to this environment.
This is the first time for him to compete in such a noisy environment with so many spectators.
He calmed his mind by adjusting his breathing, and then walked into the stadium, holding his head high and opening his eyes to watch the stands of the stadium.
Nearly 10,000 fans filled the stands of the stadium, and the Emon flag was flying everywhere in the stands. The fanatical fans shouted for the team to come on with excitement or ferocious expression.
Emmon has never been to the top leagues in Holland.
Being able to draw lots to meet Ajax in the cup is not only unfortunate but also lucky for them.
They can compete on the same stage in the cup, even though Ajax is the King of Holland in the league!
桑拿论坛Of course the fans are excited!
People always have ideals. What if they come true?
If we can kill Ajax in the cup!
This honor will excite the fans for a long, long time, and maybe someone will talk about this victory in two or three years.
[Text 42 Heavy gunner! ]
Thanks for the reward of reincarnation 9999 and Night!
4 votes plus more today and guaranteed two more.
The Dutch Cup is not wellknown and naturally has little commercial value in terms of broadcasting. However, there will still be TV stations in China to broadcast the game, but the live commentary will be really shabby. Even if Ajax plays, there will be a commentator to do a standup commentary.
In the second round of the Dutch Cup in the new season, Emmon, the Dutch second team, is sitting at home and facing the challenge of Ajax, the giant. Even though Ajax sent a substitute array, Ajax still has an overwhelming advantage. Now let’s introduce one and two arrays.
Emmon 451
Goalkeeper Dietwig
Defender Terje Moribrook Hovid Plinson
Midfielder Kario Walters, Jeremiah Zelat Frollo.
Striker Borg
Ajax 433
Goalkeeper Stecklenberg
Defender Trabelsi Van Damme Pasanen Maxwell

Captain Raul knew it was going to end when he heard Capello’s words

Capello also understands Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia, but he has had a long contact with Qin Xiong. Raul is very white. What is Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia?
No, that’s almost family!
No one would like to hear what Capello just said, and it’s still so harsh.
Qin Xiong pupil miniature one second before the calm restraint department was completely forgotten by him.
He can choose whether the theory of silence is patient or inclusive at work or considerate that he doesn’t care about Capello.
But Capello said such irresponsible things. Maybe he really didn’t know the truth. He hoped harsh words would wake Qin Xiong up, but he didn’t speak if he didn’t understand!
Qin Xiong is Farren Capello who described Sylvia as the kind of woman who fought for money to sell her sex life, whether intentionally or intentionally.
He took a step forward, and his handsome face suddenly became ferocious and violent!
Capello! You listen to me clearly! I don’t need your apology! What you just said made me understand that you are not an arrogant bastard and very, very disgusting!
I didn’t do anything wrong. Your accusation is wishful thinking!
I am not grateful to you, and we are not good.
I can honestly tell you that you are the worst manager I have ever worked with!
Koman gave Qin Xiong a chance. Fan Jiaer Qin Xiong hit the door of profound football skills and tactics. Wenger pushed Qin Xiong to the height of a superstar
What did Capello give Qin Xiong?
Even after Qin Xiong won the Golden Globe Award, he still thought it was unfair!
Fuck you. It’s not fair!
Qin Xiong has always regarded him as sometimes uncomfortable, so forget it.
But today, he won’t choose to continue to endure Capello’s nagging and making a mountain out of a molehill. He is always declaring his power and so on. Qin Xiong is tired to the limit!
Capello didn’t expect Qin Xiong to explode suddenly. It was like rebellion!
He said coldly with a straight face, Without me, you didn’t have you when you played in Real Madrid for a minute. How could you achieve today? It was I who gave you the letter and gave you the opportunity to become the focus of the world!
Qin Xiong laughed instead of anger after listening to this. His face leaned forward even more, and his nose was almost on Capello’s nose. Capello eventually maintained a dignified expression and was not afraid of Qin Xiong.
Capello, you will laugh off the fangs of heaven and man when you say these words!
Without you?
How many people are hoping that Real Madrid will not have you!
Who is saving the game when your defensive philosophy can’t bring victory to Real Madrid?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you emphasize again and again that defense is the foundation of development, who is getting you through the crisis of trust?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you promised to be laughed at, when several Real Madrid members hissed at you and told you to get out, who kept your ass so that you could still sit in the position of Real Madrid coach?
Or me and my teammates attack!
When the team’s record is getting better and better, who makes you stand on your high horse in front of the media? It’s like restoring the style of the champion coach and pointing out the country?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
夜网论坛You are worthless without our attack to win the goal!
How long can you lie to yourself?
Don’t let me play?
You know better than anyone what my winning percentage is in the absent team! What’s the goal rate!
Fabio Capello!
We are keeping your job and keeping you here!
Don’t judge me at will. Don’t talk to me in a bossy way!
I never owe you anything!
Yes, you should give me enough respect!
Qin Xiong’s words made Capello stunned. The atmosphere in the training ground was dignified. The teammates were all arguing with Qin Xiong Capello.
At this time, Mijatovic, the football director of the club, was inserted into Lieutenant General Qin Xiong Capello.
Mijatovic symbolically said sternly to Qin Xiong, Qin Xiong goes back!
This is to give Qin Xiong a step forward. Cassano Capello’s mentor and apprentice turned against each other before, and the Real Madrid Club also emphasized the need to ensure the discipline of the team. Now Qin Xiong is guilty!
Mijatovic turned around to appease Capello, trying to make Capello roll with the punches.
Mijatovic is more important than anyone else. He doesn’t want Capello to use the topic to make things out of control.
However, Capello, who has always been dignified, is not going to let it go. He said to Mijatovic, From today on, Qin Xiong will go to the second team for training. If I coach Real Madrid for one day, he will not appear in our squad. I suggest that the club lend him out after the winter transfer window opens.
As Qin Xiong has just transferred to France twice a year in the summer, he can leave the team on loan.
Mijatovic’s face was startled. He didn’t know what happened to former Capello and Qin Xiong. I didn’t expect things to be so serious!
Qin Xiong naturally heard Capello’s words. He turned away disdainfully and spat. He turned and walked in the direction of the dressing room to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has become a struggle before it is drawn]
Qin Xiong returned to the locker room and changed clothes and left the training base.
On the outskirts of the training base, the reporters were at a loss to know that Qin Xionggang had just come to train, but the car left.
The reporter with a keen sense of smell has realized that there is definitely a big news in the training ground!
Because it is easy to think that Qin Xiong appeared in a nightclub yesterday, Capello is also a coach who pays great attention to discipline and pays special attention to the private lives of players.
The reporters tried their best to find out what happened in the Real Madrid Department through many inquiries.
Although the training ground resumed training, the players were absentminded after witnessing Capello Qin Xiong’s complete break.
The players are worried about the team.
Qin Xiong’s importance is vividly reflected in the stadium. Everyone knows that his competitive strength will slip after losing him.
However, those players who are dissatisfied with Capello’s tyranny have some schadenfreude in their hearts. They hope that the bigger the matter, the better, and the best way to get Capello out of the family.
Madrid media soon learned what happened at Real Madrid training ground.
The truth is close to 1%!
This detonated the enthusiasm of the Madrid media and the European media.
Naturally, it is a good thing for the media.
Although this kind of big news is shocking, it can be said that the incident of Beckham Ferguson flying the boot door in the past is comparable, but the news that the new European coach Mr. Golden Ball broke up and verbally humiliated Capello is also super sensational!

Do they deserve it on holidays? Liu Fei hummed with a big smile and his eyes were full of provocation.

Li Ling took a look at Zhao Linger and motioned for her to persuade.
Heart understand god nodded Zhao Linger corners of the mouth hang soft smile to the three beautiful eyes behind the firebreathing beauty whispered meow meow, Danny, Pingping, forget it.
Calculate Jin Meow’s lithe and graceful figure on his chest, which is more fierce than Zhao Linger’s. Jin Meow angrily stared at a face of head held high. Liu Fei Unless she apologizes, it won’t count.
You want to apologize beautifully, Liu Fei replied, refusing to suffer a loss.
It’s true that we are afraid of you, right? Shu Dan pointed angrily at Liu Fei and said, You can’t leave the performance today.
Looking at the four horses going to war, Li Ling couldn’t understand why these beautiful women who looked like plane were so fierce that they rolled up their sleeves and started fighting like shrews.
Excuse me, can I ask you what’s your contradiction?
You ask her
Four people at the same time, pointing to each other.
It’s like sparring. Four people point to each other and their fingers fall at the same time.
Twist a head to look at Liu Fei Li Ling and ask Liu Fei, what the hell is this?
Liu Fei turned her eyes and smiled cunningly at Li Ling and said, It’s nothing. The four of them didn’t claim to be the most beautiful flowers at Lanhua University, so I sent their photos to the dating network.
No way, Zhao Linger. You sent it too.
Ahem, wasn’t she your girlfriend then?
all right
Li Ling didn’t expect Liu Fei to be so cruel that four beautiful women under the age of twenty were thrown into the net by her to go on a blind date. As a result, Zhao Linger and they would certainly encounter a lot of harassment. Li Ling doubted that Liu Fei would send their words and numbers to the net.
Clap your hands. Li Ling said, Well, I’ll be a middleman. You guys take a step back and shake hands.
Unless she apologizes
I’m afraid I would have been bored crazy if I hadn’t changed my number.
No way to apologize
Watching them quarrel again, Li Ling said to Liu Fei, Do you want me to treat you tonight?
Of course.
Then why don’t you go to Lian Tongyu to please them?
I almost forgot.
Looking at Liu Fei, he hurried out and talked while running. Sisters have Kay’s treat tonight. Take out my clothes and my horse will come back to change.
Li Ling, you want to invite four golden flowers of the computer to dinner. Listen, Li Ling is going to treat you, and Zhao Linger, the four beauties of the computer, is in a state of loss as if her favorite baby had been taken away.
If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be able to come here. Li Ling didn’t explain too much. After all, Shudan is still next to them
When I heard that Li Ling wanted to invite Liu Fei and them to dinner, they were still aggressive. Shudan rolled their eyes at Li Lingqi and said, We also want to go.
I’m going to invite you here.
Li Ling took Zhao Linger’s hand to Shu Dan and they said, The fundraising will wait for you at six o’clock in the evening.
Said the ignore ShuDan they cheered Li Ling pulled blushing Zhao Linger walked towards the hao.
Hao, you go to Yang Li and I’ll wait for you first.
yes, master
Li Ling looked down at his head and smiled happily at the corners of his mouth. Zhao Linger said, My cousin will go to his mouth when he eats. Don’t take it seriously.
Well, Zhao Linger promised to get tangled up in one heart. Is this to see family? Cousin should not count?
Chapter 2 A woman is a battlefield!
Bai Mu Hui Lan Cheng’s most luxurious restaurant, where you can eat national food, you need money and new Chinese novels.
The big red Porsche 911 roared like a left arrow, and stopped at the gate of Baihuihui with a perfect drift arc.
品茶Li Shao, you’re here. When I saw Porsche 911, I quickly greeted him with a flattering smile.
Porsche 911 opened the door, Yang Li came out lazily, threw the key to the parking garage, conveniently lost 500 yuan and said, Watch this for me.
Don’t worry, Li Shao. The parking younger brother alacrity took the car keys and there are 500 yuan.
Yang Li just got on the bus and saw that Yang Li BMW had arrived.
Wow, sisterinlaw is so beautiful.
It was not Li Ling but Zhao Linger that took the lead.
Tonight, Zhao Linger is wearing a pink dress, a jade neck and a very thin platinum necklace. The pendant is a love, long hair and delicate facial features, just like the pale powder carved jade. Especially Zhao Linger’s soft temperament makes people feel a kind of protection and care for her.

Dik sued david. It seems necessary for this matter to have an outcome.

After the meeting, Duke Kent gave Alice a good scolding!
Alice wronged and apologized. I’m sorry, david. I seem to have caused you trouble. Just push it on to me alone!
David people are not interested in this matter. dik dared to make such a big fuss about it. It was obviously inspired by someone!
After all, it’s a disgrace to the royal family. They all know how to keep a low profile, but they are still out. What does this say? Someone is maliciously making a big deal out of it!
And inspire people, he can vaguely guess who it is!
Lin Ya was going to leave after the meeting, but david kept her.
Room he sat at her desk.
David picked up the coffee on the table and wanted to drink it. She stopped him. He is not fit to drink these.
The man gave her a look and smiled with a shrug. No one has missed me like my mother for a long time.
Wen Yan Lin Ya glared at him angrily. Do you think I am old?
The man smiled and said, No, I haven’t seen you for days.
He used to say that she always laughed it off, but she was a little embarrassed to hear it again after the accident at Z airport.
Pulled the corner of his mouth and said, You should think about how to say that dik gave up fighting this lawsuit. Although Alice started it, strict investigation will still affect you.
After life and death, he became more and more pessimistic about this matter, which means laughing. Even if I tell him, he can’t bow his head!
But it’s better than doing nothing like this. It will affect morale!
David laughed when he heard it. yaya, I always thought you were clever, but how could you be confused this time? What an important thing is the royal face? Don’t say that even if you don’t wear a dress properly, the small news won’t be exposed, but this time it’s all over the city. What are you talking about?
Her question made her unsure and asked, What do you mean?
David added, How old is Wang this year?
Lin Ya wanted to answer fifty
But I didn’t feel right until I finished. Fifty is not yet the retirement age …
David looked at her absentminded and asked with a smile, Do I need to speak more plainly?
And after a pause, Lin Ya said, But even so, it can’t be said that everything is dominated by him! It can’t be said that he wants to win the throne again.
She always thought it was too hasty to give up without doing anything!
Besides, if he is reelected, he will be 70 years old in 20 years, and the royal family will definitely consider it.
It is said that david hummed, all these things will happen. He must make the royal family feel that the new generation of leaders can be impulsive and then everyone can give him a chance to win re-election!
Lin Ya interrupted, But this is just your guess!
She doesn’t believe that it will end like this after so long efforts! This is so unfair to everyone!
yaya calm down and look at this problem, okay?
Take a deep breath. She controlled her emotions and asked in a low voice, When did you think of this? A long time ago? I thought of it when I went to Z country?
David shook his head and said, no, I just realized it recently, but after the injury, I began to believe that this was a play directed and performed by others and we were lucky enough to participate in it.
Linya looked at him. He was calm and didn’t seem angry.
Her frown tone is a little excited. Even if your analysis is correct, I think your attitude is wrong! So many people, you have worked so hard for so long, and the way you are now makes me feel that you are nothing! You make me feel that you are very lucky!
David was undecided about what she said
After thinking about this result, he did feel relaxed.
He chuckled and asked, Is there fairness in this world? From them, when I ran for this position, I knew that I would succeed and fail.
Lin Yashen breathed and didn’t want to talk to him about this topic any more. She still felt that it was too early to draw a conclusion.
The situation in Allen is still not stable. I’ll go back to the hospital first and let me know if there is anything.
夜生活David got up and walked her out and asked, Do you need me to arrange another nurse for you so that you can relax?
Lin Ya paused. No, Muchuan hasn’t gone back to his hospital to help me. You know that Allen doesn’t like contact with strangers. His mood is very important at this time. I don’t want strangers to influence him.

Who is stronger while the iron is hot?

Houston rockets looking for McGrady!
Ji Guoshi gave the Black Parker Clippers a quick break and counterattack immediately after the basket beat Argentina’s older rookie Scola to get the rebound and land.
Quick counterattack is a point that old Deng Liwei emphasized today. The Rockets’ line defense speed is slow, which the league knows; Rockets guard line McGrady’s defense awareness is bad! The alliance also knows this; Battier and Alston can come back to defend, which leads to the lack of defensive strength when the Rockets switch between offense and defense. It is the most vulnerable team in the western region to be hit back.
Black Parker dribbled all the way to the top of the Rockets’ threepoint line. Alston stopped to get the ball and immediately threw the basketball at the basket and made a relay …
Ji Guo’s shame is not fast enough. Scooby Artest is fast enough to kill the ball from the back row and catch it easily. After dunking with both hands, he hangs his body in the basket and seeks cheers from Clippers fans.
Staples Arena immediately sounded deafening cheers and alarm sound effects after the slam dunk of Ji Guo’s shame. The rocket field was filled with a basket by two brothers in two rounds, which made the majority of rocket fans in China feel very complicated.
After coaching the Rockets, Adelman was criticized by the Rockets fans for his onthespot reaction. The fans always felt that his onthespot reaction was slower than the other team’s.
Clippers fans feel the same way in this situation.
In the eyes of fans, the stars are all good at other people’s homes; Coaches are also good for others; Even the cheerleaders are from other people’s homes, and their bodies are better!
Adelman didn’t call for a timeout. He hasn’t figured out how to solve it. In fact, Adelman is not without a way to get McGrady back, but he can’t and can’t do it. Don’t worry, and the Yali Mountain Conference is the first to jump out and stop them from playing. They have strict requirements for McGrady, at least not less than 36 minutes, that is, the third quarter.
Moggi, who is good at calculating, thinks that it is unforgivable that the seating rate of the leading star is not good when he enters the stage for less than three quarters, and the tickets will not be sold.
To be honest, McGrady’s offensive end is now a mess of assists and shooting percentage. After there is no sharp breakthrough, it is easy for defenders to defend him. It is difficult to judge how fast the clippers’ backcourt is composed of Artest and Posey. It is difficult for backcourt stars to get high scores against the Clippers, not to mention that there are less than half of their skills.
Percy let McGrady go. McGrady didn’t force him to play pickandroll with Yao again
Yao made a header when he followed McGrady after covering. It was a wonderful goal.
品茶Ji Guoqiu and Yao defense. He didn’t rush to reach out and break the ball. McGrady’s ball skills are not inferior. It is not easy for some excellent point guards to break the ball. Once they fail to break the ball, they will let Yao people defend it.
The panda warrior clung to Yao, but when the little giant made a push, the panda was immediately pushed to one side. After Yao caught the ball, he easily threw and hit the board to get two points.
I can’t handle a Scola in the double bag alone.
Ji Guoqiu directly turned to his younger brother for help after Yao scored the goal. He could limit Yao by going around, but if the little giant hit the roll, he would be able to do it. In the final analysis, his health was too bad. If he had to weigh 25 pounds, he wouldn’t be so easily knocked aside.
This time, the two brothers doubleteamed Hans Robert Jauss Cora to get a shot in the middle of the two wings.
Adelman is not without foresight. Scola hasn’t started the Rockets before this game. The starting power forward has always been Hayes, but if you let 19m Hayes start his toes today, you can imagine what game it will be.
Scola’s comprehensive strength is far stronger than Hayes’s. The Argentine didn’t adapt to the rhythm of nba at first, but now he has gradually adapted to the intensity of nba confrontation after more than a dozen games. Adelman gradually gave him more minutes.
Today, the distance between Scola’s wings hurt the Clippers very much. In the first quarter, Scola was killed by two shots in the middle distance by Argentina. Scola also succeeded in singles in the low post. The Argentines carried him with gorgeous back steps and made dreamy steps in the low post. Ji Guoshame easily turned around and made a basket.
In the first quarter, 3 minutes and 2 seconds, old Deng Liwei called a timeout.
The score is 12, and the Rockets lead by two points. Yao has not been replaced, and he is still on the scene.
Adelman said that he didn’t like Yao’s letting Yao play more than 36 minutes every game since he took over the Rockets. It can be seen that Adelman died regardless of the little giant’s physical problems.
Yao has averaged 3 minutes per game this season. JVG has never let Yao play for such a long time in previous seasons.
After losing his job, Fan Tu has become an espn commentator and commentator. He has discussed this issue several times. He thinks that Yao has too many small giants on the court and should be controlled for 35 minutes. Overdrawing and overworking will make Yao more vulnerable.
Old Deng Liwei doesn’t have this problem here. The two brothers’ physical strength is very good, and their recovery speed is faster than that of the small players. They play 36 minutes in each game. There is no problem at all. Instead, they deliberately control the twoperson field and worry about injuring the two brothers too much.
This is the difference between the first and the second. Yao is not Adelman’s place, but he is dead or alive. For Adelman, the socalled including McGrady is also a terrible thing!
Make up the defense quickly. Ron and James make up the Scola file. We have to rotate … and run. Old Deng Liwei is not satisfied with his team’s rotation speed. Doubleteam Yao will encounter a loophole in the number of defenders and actively rotate to make up for the number disadvantage. He can’t give the Rockets a chance to shoot.
The players of the two teams returned to the court, and Yao did not rest. Adelman wanted the little giant to play the first quarter.
Boss Yao is getting bored. Am I going to doubleteam?
This is not the fourth quarter. Yao is not so fragile.
Ji Guo smiled in his heart. When it comes to the fourth quarter, the rockets are always in fear every time they watch the rocket game in the fourth quarter. I wonder if we will make a big comeback in the fourth quarter today?
Ji Guo Qiu Yu asked, What should we turn over? Wouldn’t it be better if we were ahead in the fourth quarter?
The Clippers’ frontcourt ball, Ji Guoqiu’s heart, and the slightest sign suddenly made a direct relay out of bounds …
Ji Guo’s shame suddenly started, rushed to the threesecond zone before the Rockets responded, and then quickly took off and reached out to the lieutenant general’s basketball. A little orange elf immediately obeyed and bounced off the backboard into the box!
Staples Stadium is boiling again, so that they can often be seen in the league, which is both ornamental and demoralizing. This is the exclusive tacit cooperation between twins.
Ps Sanjiang period continues to have the cheek to ask for collection, recommendation and Sanjiang tickets.
Chapter ninetynine Experience
After Ji Guo’s shame landed, he raised his hand to signal the Clippers fans to speak louder.
Scola was so cunning that he quickly picked up the basketball serve when he encouraged the fans to be ashamed of Ji Guo.
The rockets attack quickly, and Houston people are ready to take the opportunity to sneak a sneak attack while Ji Guo’s humiliation is on the sidelines.
Ji Guo shamed hurriedly and awkwardly to speed up the catchup. Fortunately, Yao couldn’t run fast enough to catch up with the little giant, so they played a lot.
The Rockets couldn’t fight back quickly with Yao, and McGrady wasn’t fast there. Two slow guys made the Rockets fall into position again this attack.
Yao is a little slow this time, but he is finally in the right position. Experience will firmly stick Ji Guoqiu behind him and raise his hand to ask his teammates for the ball.
Alston waved the basketball twice and directly gave it to McGrady, the latter …








Chen Tianbao patted his thigh and sighed, Oh, it’s a pity that Professor Su is a professor of stateowned famous medicine and finally waited for his class but didn’t expect to miss the opportunity.

Yang Feifan almost laughed. Chen Tianbao became so eager to learn. He should be happy for Chen Tianbao. However, this kind of smile is not because he is happy, but because Chen Tianbao is stupid and cute.
Why do you smile like such a thief? Chen Tianbao and Yang Feifan are so good brothers that he always feels that there is something wrong with Yang Feifan’s smile.
I lied to you. It’s only seven o’clock early. Just now, Yang Feifan deliberately said it was twelve o’clock, but he didn’t want to see a Chen Tianbao reaction.
I didn’t expect to dare to cheat the old man because you are so honest. Chen Tianbao picked up the pillow and threw it at Yang Feifan.
Ahem, it’s just a joke. Don’t be serious. Yang Feifan gently coughed two hands and gently caught the pillow and threw it back to Chen Tianbao.
Now Yang Feifan doesn’t need to allocate energy to nurture the future elves, not to mention a mere pillow, even a big axe, which he can easily catch.
Chen Tianbao raised his right hand and raised his middle finger, then quickly ran to wash his hands, brush his teeth and wash his face.
Yang Feifan smiled for Chen Tianbao indecent movement is just a laugh.
Chen Tianbao is not bad in quality, but sometimes he will say some rude words and do some indecent moves.
So Yang Feifan never takes him seriously.
Not long after, Chen Yan and Su Yueying came to the ward with breakfast as usual.
After breakfast, Yang Feifan checked Chen Tianbao’s wound, changed his medicine and accompanied him back to Luoyuan Medical University to attend classes.
When all the students saw that the famous Yang Feifan would come back to class, they all showed strange eyes.
Even Gao Yang, a medical doctor, actually came to class, and many students finally understood what learning is like.
Some students even think that Professor Su’s profound medical knowledge will make Gao Yang, a medical doctor, go back to school to attend classes.
In the form, Professor Su’s popularity has increased a lot. There were dozens of seats left, and then they were crowded with classmates. These departments were all thanks to Yang Feifan.
Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan gratefully and nodded with a smile.
夜网论坛Thanks to Yang Feifan, even Chen Tianbao’s popularity has risen several grades, and many beautiful girls have cast envious eyes on Chen Tianbao.
At this moment, Chen Tianbao finally understood the meaning of this sentence.
During the class, Chen Tianbao patted Yang Feifan on the shoulder and smiled. Yang Ge thanks you. Today, several girls asked the old number, hehe.
Don’t forget that we are good brothers. Yang Feifan almost laughed when he saw Chen Tianbao’s face full of pride.
Just now, Yang Feifan listened to the girls who asked Chen Tianbao for the number by opening his eyes, and knew that those girls had other intentions long ago.
They don’t want to approach Yang Feifan through Chen Tian Bora or ask Chen Tianbao for Yang Feifan’s mobile phone number.
Because just now, no matter who asked Yang Feifan for the number, he didn’t tell them all the girls so as to start with Chen Tianbao.
Poor Chen Tianbao asked him for his number because these girls liked him.
Yang Feifan didn’t want to attack Chen Tianbao and didn’t tell him what he knew.
Yang Feifan and Chen Tianbao met Professor Su when they passed the campus lawn.
Professor Su wears glasses in his early sixties, tall, thin and gentle.
Yang Feifan, thank you for coming here to pay tribute. It’s a great honor. Professor Su smiled while shaking hands with Yang Feifan.
It’s very kind of you, Professor Su. It’s my pleasure to hear your old man’s lecture in Yang Feifan.
By the way, Yang Feifan, I want to ask you a question.
Professor Su, it’s very kind of you to ask for advice. Just ask your family directly if you need anything.
Do you think the anesthetic effect of western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine is good? Professor Su asked seriously.
Anesthesia depends on the effect as well as the weight. Yang Feifan smiled and put on an inscrutable look.
So you mean Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan in confusion.
Chapter 94 Acupuncture anesthesia
At this time, don’t say that Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan in confusion. Even Chen Tianbao was puzzled.
However, Chen Tianbao has known Yang Feifan for so long that Yang Feifan is not a boastful and unrealistic person. Even if he has doubts, he will not doubt what he said.
Yang Feifan laughed. The common anesthetics in western medicine include procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and sevoflurane; The best anesthetic effect of traditional Chinese medicine anesthetics is hemp boiling powder.
Professor Su nodded his head. These anesthetics are familiar to other departments.
Chen Tianbao didn’t interrupt but listened quietly.
If these anesthetics are too heavy, they will do great harm to the human body.
Yang Feifan continued, I personally think that both western medicine anesthesia and Chinese medicine anesthesia are better than no acupuncture anesthesia.
What acupuncture anesthesia? Professor Su was completely shocked. It was not that he had never heard of acupuncture anesthesia, but that there were very few people who really understood this stunt in the era when Western medicine was prevalent.
Even in ancient times, there were not many people who knew this stunt, and few people were willing to learn it because acupuncture and anesthesia were difficult to learn.
Longstanding acupuncture anesthesia has gradually been forgotten by the world.
Can Yang Ge acupuncture really anesthetize? Chen Tianbao asked curiously.
Tianbao, do you want to try it? Yang Feifan squinted and smiled at Chen Tianbao.
Old and you are the best friends. Professor Su may not believe it if you try it. Chen Tianbao was stunned. He was afraid of nothing but pain.

The Los Angeles Clippers sent chris kaman and corey maggette to Ron Artest, Shareef AbdurRahim and Francisco Garcia for a twoyear secondround draft from King Sutramento.

As soon as the news of the transaction came out, the Los Angeles media generally believed that the Clippers had made a compensation deal. Even Clippers fans thought that their team had lost two masters and a young main center who was not injured in exchange for a player who beat the fans, an old man who was going to retire with injuries and a role player who couldn’t remember his name. It was simply lost to grandma’s family. What good players could there be in the last draft or the second round?
Although the media mocking the Clippers’ braindead account for more than half, there are also different opinions. For example, Taliban Ge Ping, the sports section of USA Today, holds different opinions on this. He wrote that every team must have the courage to cross the rubicon if it is not successful! The price of trying to get both ends meet may be nothing in the end. mike dunleavy is well aware of this, and he has not dragged his feet at all. He has sent chris kaman, who is in conflict with the position, to Yi Wang, and at the same time sent the team’s two masters away together, completely clearing the obstacles. The only question left is whether the Chinese twins have become the core ability of reconstruction. Can we see the success or failure of the transaction after the regular season? It is still too early to say.
Ji Guo was ashamed to know the news, but there was still some pain because he had just made a lot of friends with Maghetti. I didn’t expect Maghetti to be traded away in an instant, so suddenly he still had some reaction.
The Clippers want us to rebuild? Ji Guo shame at home to his brother silly asked
Nonsense, Kaman has been traded away, don’t you think?
Well, I’m sure I can’t recover from that kind of injury at Brand’s age. His contract year just expires. Our boss is so stingy that he won’t renew his contract with him at a high salary. Ji Guoshi was very clever at this time and analyzed it clearly
Ji Guoqiu wondered, Our boss is so stingy, so why is he willing to sign james posey beyond the salary cap this year?
Ji Guo’s shame turned over his eyelids and said, You are really stupid. You don’t want to think about how much money Rockets boss Alexander can earn by relying on Yao a year. The two of us add up to Yao Qiang, right? That old goat and Grandet knew that we couldn’t help him make more money until we entered the playoffs, so he would uncharacteristically increase his investment in the team. Is this king egg treating us as lucky cats?
It’s good to ask our boss not to be stingy with the signing of the team.
On January 31, after the Los Angeles Clippers traded, the list of 14 people has been formally formed
Pg sam cassell, Brevin Knight, Smush Parker, shaun livingston
Sg Cuttino Mobley, Francisco Garcia, Quinton Ross
Sf Ron Artest, james posey
Pf Ji Guo Shame, elton brand, tim thomas, Sharif Abdurahim
Ji Guoqiu, paul davis
Ps: I don’t know what you think of the transaction, and what do you think of this array? If you don’t have much opinion, this is the base of the season. Before the competition in the western region in the 77 season, it was tragic. Do you think it is reasonable for the Clippers to rank in the western region?
Welcome friends to read the latest, fastest and most popular!
Chapter 35 The first game of new teammates
November 2, 2007 is the first regular season game of the Clippers. The Chinese media paid high attention to the two brothers. Because of their excellent performance in the summer league and preseason, the American media also gave them a good evaluation. Many media recognized that the two brothers had the ability to enter the star rookie competition.
A high degree of attention means that nba players with high pressure should learn to decompress themselves. The way to decompress themselves is to play games and watch movies.
There are two consoles, ps3 and ob, in the living room of the apartment. There is a console with a brain and a table to put psp2. In this generation, he is also a model tyrant, and he is no longer called host dog or P dog …
I said that you were really a singer when you hit a woman that day. Look at people’s eyes. Ji Guoqiu found that the new singer reported in it was very similar to being humiliated by Ji Guo in a bar that day.
I knew that a few days ago, I also took a photo of her to vent my hatred! Remember, don’t remind me that she always has to go to the community to make those king eggs, and even let me take out the garbage, mow the lawn and wash the public toilet. The king eggs must be Lakers fans. What an asshole!
Ji Guo was angry when he was ashamed of this woman. He had to go to the public toilet for a while. When he thought about it, his heart would be filled with anger. One million dollars a year old, ten million dollars in the future, nba stars will go to the peak of their lives, and now they want to wash people’s toilets?
The Clippers’ first opponent in the regular season is the last preseason game against Golden State Warriors.
The match between the two teams was arranged at 19: 03 p.m. and 1: 03 p.m. in Beijing.
V5 this year’s broadcast arrangement is in the order of 1:2:3:4, that is, Lakers account for 10%, Clippers account for 20%, Bucks account for 30%, Rockets account for 40%, and then nothing happens to other teams.
Today, the Clippers game happened to be broadcast by the Rockets, Magic and Lakers in the v5 broadcast plan, and only the twin brothers did not appear on the stage.
Sun Yuexian doesn’t show that although the Great Sage was selected by the Lakers, he hasn’t really landed in the nba yet. It’s a waste for CCTV to give the Lakers 10%.
Milwaukee Bucks played on the 1st, and they were two days ahead of the Clippers.
It’s too easy to mix as well as the two brothers. The first game has to be played first and attracted 100 million ratings in China, which directly scared the bucks’ management and made the Clippers’ stingy boss donald sterling happy.
Of course, this rating is purely a fool of the Americans. 100 million ratings are bullshit!
Tai Yi scored 9 points, 5 shots, 4 free throws, 4 free throws, 1 free throw, 3 rebounds, 3 mistakes and 6 mistakes in the 25minute game. This data is a relatively good result for a rookie, except for too many fouls.
The two brothers also watched the game at home and saw their compatriots’ performance. Like Yao, who was in the rookie stage, Yi Jianlian, a freshman, was also more photographed by the referee.
In the Clippers locker room, there is half an hour left before the game. They will hold the home team entrance ceremony. Today is the Clippers’ home game at Staples Arena.
Their new teammates Artest, Garcia and Rahim have all joined the team. These days, all three of them have taken care of their accommodation. Artest has bought a house in Los Angeles and invited his teammates to dinner after they are ready to pack.
In this deal, Maghetti and Kaman are both losers. They don’t want to leave the Clippers, let alone Los Angeles, but the team can’t help but pack their bags and leave.
Among the Kings, Artest is the happiest. Playing in a big city like Los Angeles when his contract expires in nine years will give him more attention. If he performs well, his attention will be equal to his salary. Then he can seek a bigger contract or sign another long contract.
Garcia traded him for an Ruosu, which is his third season. In the first two seasons, the older rookie didn’t get the weight, but he didn’t play high when he was a substitute for the main team. It was all the same to him.
Rahim, a 76yearold former star veteran who was seriously injured several times, has already been overwhelmed by his knee joints. He just arrived at the Clippers for the first time to join the team to practice his knees, and he won an arrow for reimbursement in the season!
Fortunately, old Deng Liwei didn’t intend to pay attention to him early in the morning. He waited for the contract to expire in the last year and then dumped the glass man.
In the new season, Old Deng Liwei has decided to play the Twin Towers, and the tactics of the team will revolve around the Ji family and the two brothers. Among them, Ji Guo’s hatred is even more crucial. The coach intends to train him into a Duncanstyle center with strong highposition coordination and ability to stand, as well as excellent lowposition singles, accurate midrange shooting defense and rebounding. This is to train him as a superstar and ensure that he will laugh at a lot of people.
Deng Liwei, the enemy of his younger brother Ji Guoqiu, temporarily decided to take him as Nowitzki’s training. If all the training is successful in the end, the Duncan+Nowitzki combination picture is too beautiful to watch!
Artest soon knew what the team thought after he came to the Clippers. The beast didn’t try to challenge the status of the two brothers. This guy was not as scheming as he seemed. Yesterday, he planned to invite the two brothers to a nightclub to cultivate a relationship.
Ji Guoqiu never likes to go to that place. Naturally, Ji Guoqiu declined, but he was still concerned about such things as nightclubs. When he heard the word nightclubs, he couldn’t help shivering. The first thing in his head was to wash the toilet and sweep the toilet. It was terrible …
Old Deng Liwei almost coughed when he finished arranging today’s tactics. The players immediately stopped communicating with each other. They knew that this was the coach’s pregame mobilization. They were all ready to listen to the leader’s speech.
Nonsense, no one outside is optimistic about us this season. We say that we are the vice squad leader of the fish. The management of the team is very unhappy now. Who dares to be lazy today? Don’t think about the field this month.
Old Deng Liwei turned out to be a direct threat, which shocked the players, especially when he was just about to be lazy on the defensive end and feel guilty immediately. There is always a feeling that the coach said this to him.
Now announce the starting list or that sentence, if you want to continue to start, then give me all your strength if you don’t want to start this game?
Old Deng Liwei’s voice fell and Ji Guo’s shame neck shrank. How do you feel that this is said to him again?
sam cassell, Cuttino Mobley, Ron Artest, Ji national humiliation, Ji national hatred
The coach announced the starting list and then took a deliberate look at Ji Guo’s shame, which really made the latter shudder.
How do I feel that this old thing is always staring at me? He’s not an old ass, is he?
spa会所Artest leaned in and said with a smile, It’s the first time for me to play with twins, and I can’t tell which one of you is my brother. Who is the younger brother? But I think today’s game must be very interesting. After that, some people are bullying and afraid to hit Wallace and the fans, but there is a set of guys who take the initiative to reach out to them.
The two brothers immediately reached out and punched the new teammate gently, then struck two hands, and then this guy ran to befriend other teammates …









This sleep lasted for nearly two hours and was interrupted by a horseshoe.

I yawned, changed my posture and continued dreaming.
It seems to have produced a little resistance.
In a daze, I seem to be riding a horse on the vast prairie.
I fell off my horse.
Horseshoe gradually blurred.

I opened my eyes myself.
Pacing out of the camp with a coat on.
The sky outside the tent is blue, and the morning sun has just jumped out of the hill.
Young master actually got up by himself! Pang Gan howled like a ghost.
It’s amazing. Xiao Dai was also amazed.
桑拿会所No, Jia Mu shook his head. I forgot to wake him up today.
I don’t care about their nonsense and slander. After stretching, I put my hand in Pang Gan’s basin. When is breakfast?
I finished eating half an hour ago … Cheng Wu stood stand hand.
… I scooped up water with my hands in half.
Of course, I left a small steamed bun for you … Pang Gan looked prepared. I struggled to get it because I was hungry!
I can prove it … Jia Mu immediately exposed the shady Old Pang embezzled a steamed bun.
I took a sip of water and got up the courage to spray at Pang Gan.
He quickly raised his hands in front of him.
But my mouth is really arrogant! Seeing the water flow like a sharp arrow carrying my anger and lashing in his palm, not a drop of water fell to the ground halfway.
… Pang Gan kept his hands stretched out for a long time without moving. His palm was red as if cooked pig’s trotters were emitting hot air.
Old Pang, what are you doing? Ma Dai asked.
Master that a mouthful of water … Pang Gan corners of the mouth a wide almost cried all numb …
Jia Mu tried to push him and nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, there was no response.
Pang Gan should fall to the ground.
Adult work seems to have been accomplished? Cheng Wu asked
Where where? I modestly waved my hand. I just got to the sixth level in a set of martial arts, but it’s still far from it.
I’ve been practicing for ten years since I was twelve, but I just finished practicing the sixth weight … His expression was shocked. The talent of adults is really enviable!
That’s it! Xiao Dai echoed, Big Brother Gen is not a human being. When he was a child, he was lazy and not half as good as me. As a result, in less than four years, I didn’t even learn a set of marksmanship, but he was able to kill Han Sui with three strokes … At that time, even his father was jealous!
Don’t talk about things when you are a child. I laughed ha ha. I am really ashamed and ashamed! When he killed Han Sui, he suddenly showed his true colors when he met Lu Bu …
Brother Boping, you said you practiced for ten years before you finished the top six? Jia Mu took Cheng Wu and asked, Is the sixth weight so difficult?
Er … you’re already the sixth heaviest? Cheng Wu asked in surprise, You are also a natural wizard? !”
It’s not … Wood shook his head.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
I only reached the fourth level, Jia Mu added.
Uh … Cheng Wu wiped her sweat. In fact, I practiced at random when I first started … it’s not counted that when I practiced seriously, it added up to no more than five years … It seems that he cares a little. The first three are the basics, and the fourth five six seven are the last two of all kinds of transportation methods … which is the highest level. What effect can it have? Even my father has never seen it.
Didn’t Mr. Zhongda practice the most? Xiao Dai asked
Cheng Wu nodded. My father told me that his qualification is average and the seventh is the limit. He has been practicing for more than 30 years, not because of fighting for his fists, but because of selfcultivation.
We have been arguing all day about who has the biggest fist and fights with a red face and a thick neck, and people can’t help but respect it.
So that’s it, Jia Mu nodded. If you can’t beat others, you will say that you are selfcultivation. Today, I learned the way of dealing with people.
Cheng Wu wry smile way Jia brothers to say that my father is hard to argue, but although my father doesn’t make moves easily, if you really move your fists, you won’t let your opponent go back alive.
Have you seen it? I immediately became interested.
He lowered his voice. When I was twelve years old, it was the only time my father really did it …
What was the scene like at that time? Li Dian also leaned in with great interest.
Well, it’s been ten years … Cheng Wu coughed. To say that my family didn’t have a deep hatred, and the other party was a big family in East Afghanistan for decades. Although there were no officials in the DPRK, there were many officials of all sizes in the state and county. Therefore, my master and brother were rampant in urban and rural areas and never looked down on others. In those two years, the family wanted to expand their mansion and buy some land from fellow villagers. My family always didn’t want outsiders to make enemies, and the price was acceptable. Generally, they could give him a few acres of land, but they even wanted
Bastard! Pang Gan swore.

Similarly, after receiving Yao Wenfeng’s words, the Yao family also started an investigation to see which fairy had such a big event to get Tao Mo back to the inspection team or the official inspector status.

☆, Chapter 177 The village thugs
After the car left Sichuan and Chongqing, it drove quickly to Yilan Village. After two hours, the team entered the Gobi area and looked out of the window. At first glance, the world seemed extremely desolate and desolate. Except for the yellow sand all over the sky, the only scenery was that Hu Yangshu could not fall in the Gobi for thousands of years.
The members of the investigation team were originally excited and excited, and their expectation mood gradually calmed down. After half a year or more, they all wanted to live in the vast Gobi desert. How many lives were swallowed up by the Gobi desert? The information of the first two investigation teams said everything, and even the second investigation team died here. The cause of death was not found out clearly.
How can there be rare medicinal materials in such a harsh environment? Tao Mo gave the information to Professor Qian Ma once in my mind, but I can’t imagine what medicinal materials are hiding in this vast Gobi, which makes the Beijing highlevel officials pay so much attention to it.
We will arrive in Yilan Village in half an hour. The owner of the car introduced the voice through the walkietalkie. Yilan Village originated from the Yilan River and flowed here from Ajin Mountain in the northeast, forming a unique small watershed. Because of its abundant water, Yilan Village planted a lot of cotton, poplars and jujube trees, which is regarded as a paradise in the Gobi desert and also the camp of our investigation team this time.
Luo did not say that Yilan village was indeed a rich place in the early years. At that time, relying on agricultural development economy, Yilan village was endowed with unique geographical conditions and was definitely one of the rich villages in Sichuan and Chongqing.
However, in recent years, with the deterioration of the environment, many rivers have dried up. If you look at Gobi, you can’t see many driedup riverbeds. Although the Yilan River has not dried up, its water flow has decreased a lot. Nowadays, it is not a small stream.
With the continuous development of society, artificial cultivation has fallen behind, and there are more agricultural machinery factories outside. Yilan Village has gradually declined. Now the whole village is full of old, weak, women, children and young adults who have gone out to work, but families with better conditions have moved out as a whole.
At 12: 30 noon, when the inspection team appeared at the entrance of the village, it immediately attracted the attention of the children who were playing around in the village. A black and thin child opened his eyes wide and his dirty face was full of curiosity, but he watched the team slowly enter the entrance with a little trepidation.
It was reported in advance that Cao Cao had come with people. Although he lived in the village temporarily, Cao Cao still did not give up his vigilance and guided the motorcade into the abandoned school in the northernmost part of the village.
Everyone should take the car first and find their dormitory according to the manual sent to them before. You can have a meal after a bell rings. The owner shouted and arranged the car. Everyone immediately saw this harsh environment. The owner’s eyebrows were also straight. This place can’t be said to be poor. It is simply not suitable for human life
The three professors who led the team used to be thirtyfive inspectors, but now there is one Tao Mo, just thirtysix people. Each professor took twelve people and a group. Tao Mo dragged his luggage and followed Professor Ma to the accommodation area.
Gobi is very dry. Today, the atmosphere is filled with sand. I feel uncomfortable when I breathe, like eating a mouthful of sand.
The most common color in front of us is yellow, and there is no green meaning to make people really understand. They have entered the Gobi, which is 2 square kilometers in Fiona Fang.
There are a total of five women in the inspection team. There is a separate yard in the northern accommodation area. It is estimated that the former teacher is temporarily staying. The yard is not big, but it is more than 200 square meters. There are two rows of four houses. In the two rows of houses, there is a small yard and a tall Hu Yangshu.
Crunch a rotten wooden door was pushed open, and a dust came on my face. Tao Mo was choked. Don’t overdo it. Open the door, too. I didn’t guard against Churuojun being choked and coughing directly.
The dormitory is quite big, with 20 square meters. The innermost part is the army camp bed. There are dark green bedding and pillows. The people who came to exercise the day before were arranged. By the bed, there is a simple folding table and a chair.
The table also distributes life cups, chopsticks, towels and soap as needed, which seems to treat the inspectors as new soldiers.
Tao Mo glanced at it, opened the window next to the door to breathe, threw the backpack out of bed and opened the suitcase, knowing that it was Gobi environment. Tao Mo prepared clothes are longsleeved pants, which are the most durable jeans and camouflage shoes, and military boots. It is estimated that they will not be worn out in three to five years.
I took out my notes and put them on the bed. Don’t expect Tao Mo, a wired network, to have a lot of Gobi information in my notes in advance. Tao Mo took out two bottles of precious Chinese medicine pills and put them in my carryon backpack. The rest of them were put back in my suitcase. This suitcase lock was modified. Unless there is a password, don’t expect to violently unlock it in a short time.
Once the investigation is conducted, some precious materials will be put in the hard disk and locked with his pills in the suitcase. Satellite words will also be taken out of the suitcase from Tao Mo and put in the backpack. If there is any emergency, there will be a selfdefense pistol and a magazine.
Tao Mo tidied up her luggage in an orderly way here. Chu Ruojun frowned in the next room. She didn’t expect the environment here to be so bad. I don’t know how many years no one has lived in this room, and it smells musty.
The walls are yellow, not to mention the white lime on the walls, and the bricks and roofs are covered with cobwebs, not to mention the concrete floor. This house is just a compacted land, and the dust is everywhere when you step on it.
At the thought of living in a place like this, Churuojun immediately wanted to go back to Beijing, but knowing the importance of this visit, she could bear it. She was just about to open her luggage and come outside. It was the sound of dining in the canteen.
I haven’t lived like this for many years. Tao Mo picked up the table, lunch box and chopsticks, locked the door and went out. Chu Ruojun also happened to go out at this time. Both of them knew their details at a glance and didn’t even do kung fu, just like they didn’t know each other.
Du Jie just had dinner and we went with Sister Wang. Crispy greeted ChuReJun with a warm smile at this time. She had long been familiar with the situation of more than 30 people in the inspection team, especially several female inspectors.
Du Jie is said to be a 40yearold woman who has had two failed marriages and then devoted herself to the research of traditional Chinese medicine. She is also a leader. Before leaving for Gobi, Chu Ruojun had met Du Jie and Wang Jie and had a small gathering. At this time, the three people seemed to have known each other for many years.
And the last female inspector who came out of the opposite room has always been coldfaced. Although Chu Ruojun treated each other warmly, Xu Baiping still nodded coldly and did not intend to go with them.
Ruojun, let’s go. Sister Wang scoffed at Xu Baiping’s lofty aloof attitude. Plus, Xu Baiping’s reputation in traditional Chinese medicine is better than that of Sister Wang. Sister Wang was crushed everywhere, and she was really unhappy from the bottom of her heart. Occasionally, when we met at a seminar on traditional Chinese medicine, it was also innuendo, ridicule and slander.
I can see that Xu Baiping is very withdrawn and Tao Mo is not asking for trouble. It is polite to nod his head and walk alone towards the temporary canteen.
After sitting in the car for more than three hours, it’s after 1: 00 noon, and everyone is hungry. It’s said that it’s a canteen, but it’s actually a former school classroom. Some abandoned desks and stools have been placed in a few rows to temporarily serve as canteens.
Because this time it was tight, the whole investigation team started from the case to today, and it took more than half a month. There was really no preparation here in Yilan Village, so I asked a group of people from the Second Agricultural Division, which is about 5 kilometers away from the village, to come and unite with the villagers to roughly repair this abandoned school, so as to ensure that the investigation team came and had a room to sleep, a canteen to cook and a toilet to make it.
His bed was a kind of thing, and it was all fucked by people. Two big trucks were pulled from the Sixth Frontier Defense Regiment. The whole investigation team’s residence was really humble, and the food was average. But in fact, Yilan Village was not bad. Once the investigation team left here and entered the human area to carry out the investigation, let alone eating and drinking, there was no guarantee for life safety.
Cao Cao glanced at the noisy surroundings and found that Tao Mo, who was sitting in the corner, immediately came over with a bowl. Why didn’t Tao Yatou come over?
Joe minister came to Shixi city Tao Mo looked around and made sure that no one paid attention to his side. This was the low and fucked up. I, Joe minister, came to the inspection team. It seems not.
I didn’t see Minister Joe when I left early, and the inspection team didn’t have any wind at all. This means that Minister Joe came to Shixi City for his business, and it’s not convenient to inquire, but Liu Jiuzheng left Minister Joe around and there won’t be any danger.
Fuck is zheng Joe minister is not how to visit Shixi city, but it must be involved in the city’s top secret fuck nature also know the rules and then changed the subject with a smile and TaoMo said.
夜网论坛  title=The whole dining room is also a group of three or five people talking while eating. The three professors led by the team sat at a table and generally discussed the arrangement of the inspection work.
Yao Wenfeng followed Lord Luo and sat together. After all, it was too tight. Many things in the inspection team were not arranged to deal with. There were many chores. Lord Luo was in charge of security matters, while Cao and Yao Wenfeng were in charge.
At this time, a man in his thirties was sitting in a newlybuilt building in the southernmost part of the far village, smoking a cigarette, and when he saw his hand trotting in from the outside, he straightened up slightly and could see that he was waiting for his hand to spy out news.
Rocco’s inspection team has come over, with a total of six offroad vehicles and two army trucks. This time, it is estimated that there are 30 soldiers coming over with the car. More than 30 people are inspectors. Yellow croaker hey hey smiled and quickly reported the news to Rocco.
Rocco, I asked the villagers around and inquired about the village head. These inspectors are all studying Chinese medicine. It is estimated that they came to Gobi to find some medicinal materials and record some plant growth. What the village head said seems to be to investigate the Gobi environment, study soil erosion, prevent wind and fix sand. I don’t understand these. Anyway, the investigation team is not big with us.
No matter if we continue to let people stare at the investigation team’s every move, don’t spoil our business. Rocco looked a little malicious and crossed a cool face. Rocco was much more cautious after seeing the group of 30 armed soldiers brought by Cao Cao yesterday.
Although there are more than 100 people in his stone field, many of them are village men. After working in the stone field, Luo Ge only has more than 30 people. His hands can’t be worse than those armed soldiers. At noon today, 30 soldiers came again.
In this way, there are at least 60 good players in the investigation team who dare not make a move, and there are also many soldiers in the 1 ST regiment. Once something is wrong, the 1 ST regiment support will soon arrive in Rocco, and they will dare to confront the regular army unless they are out of their minds.
Rocco, you said that their skulls are broken. What can be found in Gobi? There is sand everywhere. Little yellow croaker sat down and bent down to take off his shoes and fell to the ground. It was just a handful of yellow sand. This bird doesn’t shit and the little yellow croaker really didn’t know what to investigate.
What do you know? Rocco sneeredhe had made a little investigation before he came. This is not the first time that an investigation team has appeared, and there was also an investigation team before listening to the older generation.
Although Luo Ge doesn’t know Chinese medicine and botany, he doesn’t know what an investigation is, but he knows that there must be something in the Gobi Desert in this area. Otherwise, the country has more money and sent so much knowledge to eat yellow sand.
Scolded the little yellow croaker also don’t angry at this time suddenly lewd smile swallowed saliva Rocco before my telescope to see you don’t know this time there can be a great beauty in the investigation group that figure is definitely much more beautiful than the actress in the sight. Gee, this desolate place is full of those soldiers who are lonely and widowed, and the night is long. Maybe the child was born before the investigation is over.
Luo Ge’s cold eyes are like poisonous snakes, and the export sound of small yellow croaker is also strange, cold and bloody. I tell you that these expedition members are not easy to provoke you to warn Guo that they have zipped up their veteran pants. If they provoke those soldiers, it is a dead end!
Section 169
Small yellow croaker was scared by Rocco’s gloomy expression, and his face was white and shaking. He nodded his head. Last year, Rocco took over the stone field that was about to close down, and a group of them followed him. With Rocco’s money and their strength, the village didn’t molest those little girls or kannika nimtragol, but gave them some money.
Especially Guo’s several color embryos got some medicine from Sichuan and Chongqing county, and gave several kannika nimtragol to the whole like a slut. No man can live, so Yilan, although poor, is like a paradise for Guo and them.
Rely on those kannika nimtragol in the village, bully men, go out to work, leave women unable to keep money, Guo. When these people come, it’s considered that Wang sees mung beans right. Give some money, and they will get together. The village head and his village elders also turn a blind eye. First, they are afraid of Guo because they are poor, and they will be given less than 50 yuan once they play.
Secondly, all the men in the village have gone out to work, and there must be some women left outside. Women in the village have to take care of the old, and it is not easy to be alive all night. Even the grass widow key is that the village head dare not offend them.
Therefore, several people in Guo became more and more courageous, and even ruined four young men and women who came to visit. Two women were killed alive, and two men were robbed of their property and then buried in Gobi desert yellow sand.
Later, the police also accompanied their families to come here to look for it, but the Gobi was already dangerous and windy, and all the evidence was submerged. I couldn’t find anything. The police accompanied my family for three days in the village and finally left. At that time, Rocco knew about it and didn’t say anything. It was just four lives.
At this time, the little yellow croaker was really scared when he suddenly heard Rocco’s harsh expression, but he thought that the people in the investigation team were all handstied and knowledgeable, but they were all soldiers with guns. If they really dared to mess around and were afraid of a gun, they would collapse him.
Looking at the little yellow croaker’s trembling legs, Rocco will press out the cigarette and his face is full of rage. It seems that he must speed up the movement. If you must find something, otherwise this year will be wasted, especially when the investigation team suddenly comes. Rocco is also worried about big sleep.