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It was the blind monk who fought wild in the red side who suddenly appeared behind the emperor before everyone could reactthe dragon wagged its tail!

Chapter two hundred and eleven VN the speed of light QA!
The emperor’s body was suddenly flown to the grass in the river. When the emperor was still in the middle, the blind monk’s Q skill had been hit. When the emperor landed, the blind monk had posted the second paragraph of Q.
The blood of the emperor was consumed by the fox, and the blood of the emperor was not much. The blind monk also took away the head of the emperor and immediately left.
R flash!
Swing kick!
In q!
Take away the emperor and turn away!
This column of exercises is overwhelming. Looking at Dihuang’s body, Chen Wei has not responded at the moment.
Everyone in the internet cafe didn’t shut up at this time.
I am a blind monk. This wave is 66666.
I am afraid that the blind monk will not be proud if I give a full score and one point less!
I haven’t even reacted to the Rspin kick!
Don’t insult me. I like blind monks. If they can’t flash, they are called blind monks!
The blind monk finally showed up, and I was beaten by Pan Sen. After two waves of opposition, he managed to rise!
I want to know how big Pan Sen’s psychological shadow area is now. Haha, he didn’t react at all. What happened? His teammate died!
Ouyang Yu’s sweet voice sounded in the internet cafe, and she was worried about how to explain it to make the game more ups and downs. Now is the opportunity.
Do you like the League of Legends audience just now? Ouyang Yu’s sweet eyes show the crescent moon to the audience and laughs
Show flies! They don’t care which team wins. What they want to see is a gorgeous show and flying exercises.
Seeing that everyone’s emotions were mobilized, Ouyang Yutian also said with a smile, The wave of exercises just now by the blind monk told us that even if his development was suppressed, he could kill people as well. Now that the blind monk has reached the sixth grade, I don’t know how wonderful the blind monk will be.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you will see is a wonderful massacre of four dozen wild gods with diamonds! Ouyang Yutian’s voice just fell and there was a deafening scream again in the Internet cafe.
The screen of Huang Xian’s brain in the battle zone of five wolves in the wind is still gray. Just now, Yu Le also saw Yun Xuan’s set of flowing exercises, which made Yu Le watch and nodded his head with admiration.
However, Yu Le didn’t feel a little scared because of this. Yu Le turned to Chen Wei and said, You should pay attention to the movement of a blind monk when Viagra takes over. He will definitely target you.
Smell speech Chen Wei nodded slightly without saying anything.
Huang Xian didn’t lose money in this battle in the middle of the road. Although he was killed, he also got the fox’s head and equipment, so he won’t lag behind the fox. Chen Wei should pay attention.
Because the blind monk’s hand has been stained with blood, once the blind monk kills someone, it is difficult to stop.
Ten minutes later, Pan Sen was serenaded on Lanfang Road when the blind monk from the red side came over to fight against the wild. Fortunately, he inserted his eyes and saw it before Pan Sen did, but he still showed a battle.
Although no one died in this wave of battles, the audience in the Internet cafe can see that Pan Sen has been faintly defeated by the blind monk now.
You know, Pan Sen is passive but can resist an attack. Rao is so incredibly still in the wind.
Now the summoner’s wild situation in the canyon seems to have changed. The blind monk invaded the blue wild area crazily, and Pan Sen was harassed more than once.
Fortunately, this situation did not last long because the road broke out again!
Yu Le controls the night hunter and finally can’t help but kill. At this time, the two sides’ lines are at war, but the night hunter doesn’t pay any attention to the line damage W skill, and the holy silver bolt is shot in Jinx!
Holy silver crossbow to wash the blood!
At this time, the night hunter is like a huntress with a shotgun. Her prey can’t escape death. The crossbow is launching one ring and two rings.
The robot starts the W skill and moves at its own speed and rushes to the hands of the night hunter. It is constantly beating. If you want to fly the night hunter to Jinx, you can fight against it.
But at this time, the W skill in the hands of Wind Girl has long been lost to the robot, and the moving speed of the robot has suddenly slowed down, so close to the night hunter but so far away.
Walking A, the figure of a night hunter is like a ghost, avoiding the robot’s Q skills. When I hook up, two crossbows will rush to my hand in vain, and I will shoot the first flat. A Jinx will play the second third ring.
Everyone in the internet cafe was shocked to see this scene. Were they wrong just now?
What’s the matter? I just saw that the night hunter seemed to shoot two holy silver crossbows?
You see? I also saw what happened. Is this a buff or a foot?
It should be buff. It’s a game. How could it make your feet?
There are also some people who are surprised to see this scene, but they are not surprised, because they can do it.
Ouyang Yutian saw everyone with a puzzled face. Ouyang Yutian also smiled and said, The night hunter is exquisite. You can know that the night hunter must often play the night hunter, otherwise it will not use Q light speed A.
The speed of light qa What the hell is this?
In fact, it is not just Raven who is the speed of light qa. Many heroes can use their own speed of light qa because they are not as gorgeous as Raven’s three consecutive qa.
And the night hunter has a little detail that I want to like. Players pay attention to the fact that when the night hunter approaches the wall, her Q skill evades and her A skill is almost instantaneous after she gets up.
That is to say, when you face A flat and then get up against the wall quickly, you need your hand to be fast enough to almost hit qa and flatten A, and the threering damage is almost hit in the blink of an eye. This is the night hunter’s speed of light qa.
At that time, the audience of the Internet cafe were all stunned, and they didn’t expect that the night hunter had such a small detail.
When Ouyang Yutian finished speaking, Jinx, the third ring of the night hunter, died before he could type it out.
Jinx’s W skill is almost useless when there is a line of soldiers, and E skill can’t stop it from being so flexible. Jinx, a night hunter, wants to go with A, but the third ring damage of the night hunter is too high.
Although Jinx consumed a lot of blood of night hunters, he was eventually killed by night hunters.
After killing the red Jinx, Yu Le finally had a chance to pick up the robot next to him. Although the robot has already walked to the front of the red tower, it is not without a chance to kill him.
Xu Q skills hit him! Yu Le looked at the brain screen head also don’t turn and said
品茶good! Xu Ying’s Q skill went to the robot and rolled it up. The robot was suddenly hit by the night hunter. qe 2 even stared at the robot on the first third ring of the wall and hit it out.
At this time, the blue road wild area, that is, the wall next to the red tower, suddenly appeared a naked figure, and the blind monk kicked the night hunter with a Q skill, and the night hunter hid himself and escaped the blind monk’s Q skill.
















Hello, may I ask who you are? Fu Qianfan is good at answering Wen Zhiru’s words and also wants to know whether Wen Zhiru knows anyone. Her memory is a little messy and fuzzy, but it is really a little difficult to confirm her familiarity.

Wen Zhiru smiled at Fu Qianfan. Whether Fu Qianfan really forgot her or pretended to be Wen Zhiru, she felt that she was despised by Fu Qianfan, but she firmly remembered Fu Qianfan.
Miss Fu forgot me so soon? Didn’t we just meet at the beginning of the year? Wen Zhiru had to explain things clearly. She wanted to see how Fu Qianfan would pack it. In S City, you had dinner with Zhiyuan and Chu Yang, didn’t you?
WenZhiRu to S city Fu Qianfan is a little worried about WenZhiRu behind words is filled with Fu Qianfan this worry Fu Qianfan never thought of meeting Wen Zhiru in Z city and WenZhiRu seems to be waiting for her here specially.
Although I still don’t know what’s going on, I also know that Wen Zhi and Gao Zhiyuan or Chu Yang are friends. Since they are friends, she can’t be too rude.
Sorry, I didn’t recognize you just now. Fu Qianfan apologized to Wen Zhiru, but there were still a lot of questions in his heart. How did Wen Zhiru know her name? How did Wen Zhiru know how Wen Zhiru came here to find her?
Wen Zhiru smiled a no and then extended his right hand to Fu Gefan. I’m Wen Zhiru. Nice to meet you again, Miss Fu.
Fu Qianfan also stretched out his right hand and gently touched the name Wen Zhiru in fear and trembling. Fu Qianfan always felt that it was not the first time she heard it, but she just couldn’t remember that her brain didn’t seem to be enough today.
桑拿论坛Miss Fu wants to have lunch now. Can I come with you? Wen Zhiru didn’t give Fu Qianfan too much thought. Now there are too many people here to talk. Wen Zhiru can borrow lunch to talk to Fu Qianfan alone.
Wen Zhiru, who hesitated to see Fu Qianfan, kindly said, Miss Fu, do you think my request is not appropriate? I didn’t. What he meant was that I just came to Z city and I didn’t know anything. I didn’t even have a familiar person. You just took the liberty of thinking about going to dinner with Miss Fu just now.
If Miss Fu doesn’t want to or because of work, I still need to stay in Z city for a long time before Miss Fu. Sometimes we can ask out again. By the way, we can also shout Zhiyuan out and catch up with each other.

From Fu Qianfan’s performance just now, it seems that Fu Qianfan really doesn’t know who she is. Wen Zhiru guessed that Gao Zhiyuan definitely didn’t tell Fu Qianfan about things that are related to her, so it is better.
Now WenZhiRu moved Gao Zhiyuan out and didn’t really want to meet Gao Zhiyuan. If Fu Qianfan meant Gao Zhiyuan, he wouldn’t refuse her. Fu Qianfan would be afraid of being scolded by Gao Zhiyuan.
Fu Qianfan is really soft-hearted, but it is not because Wen Zhiru thinks this reason. Fu Qianfan simply thinks that Wen Zhiru is a friend of Gao Zhiyuan. Now Gao Zhiyuan’s friend needs her help. She has no reason to shirk it. This is Fu Qianfan’s love for me, not that Wen Zhiru is afraid of Gao Zhiyuan.
Colleagues knew that Fu Qianfan couldn’t have lunch together, so they gave Fu Qianfan an understanding look. Jiang Jinan appeared at the annual meeting and went to Gao Zhiyuan for frequent shuttle service. Now it’s not too difficult for Wen Zhiru’s colleagues to understand Fu Qianfan, and they know that Fu Qianfan is not the same as them, and it is likely to become more different.
After his colleague left, Fu Qianfan took Wen Zhiru to a famous western restaurant nearby. Because he has been with Gao Zhiyuan for a long time, Fu Qianfan is becoming more and more interesting now, but Fu Qianfan hasn’t realized it yet.
But Wen Zhiru’s eyes are full of showing off Fu Qianfan’s level. How is it possible to come to such a western restaurant for dinner? I don’t just want her face to be swollen and fat. Eating a meal here is likely to cost Fu Qianfan half a month’s salary.
Is that a childhood friend?
Wen Zhiru doesn’t know that Fu Qianfan really can afford Fu Qianfan now, and his current price is probably much higher than Wen Zhiru’s.
One day a long time ago, Gao Zhiyuan put several bank cards with passwords on them into Fu Qianfan’s hands. Fu Qianfan then asked Gao Zhiyuan what this was for. Gao Zhiyuan simply said that it was to spend money on Fu Qianfan.
Fu Qianfan didn’t doubt that he accepted it obediently, but he never really checked how many models were in it, that is, he just casually put them in his wallet and put them in a card with her. Gao Zhiyuan gave them to Fu Qianfan, and sometimes Gao Zhiyuan asked Fu Qianfan about it, but it didn’t cost much to buy a dish or eat a meal.
After both of them ordered a good meal, Wen Zhiru said, What does Miss Fu think of S city and will go back to S city with Zhiyuan?
Fu Qianfan is embarrassed to be unfamiliar with Wen Zhiru and doesn’t know what to say. Fu Qianfan is relieved and feels that Wen Zhiru’s words are strange.
Ha ha, Miss Fu, don’t get me wrong. I’m asking casually that it’s only a matter of time before Zhiyuan’s home, S city, Gao’s ancestral home and S city, will return to S city. I just want to see Miss Fu’s opinion.
If Miss Fu wants to stay in Z all the time, I believe Zhiyuan will stay here with you, so we will have fewer opportunities to get together later, and grandma and aunt will certainly be reluctant to part.
Wen Zhiru said these words with some dark expressions. The speaker is also interested in Fu Qianfan’s words. What do you mean? Gao Zhiyuan can’t stay in Z city forever. Fu Qianfan knows that Fu Qianfan is startled because she has never considered this matter and should think about it.
Wen Zhiru called Mrs. Gao and grandma Hu Meijing and aunt. If they were not familiar with each other, they should not be called this way. Wen Zhiru said that she was familiar with Mrs. Gao and Hu Meijing or Gao family.
Miss Fu, Miss Fu, did you listen? Are you all right? Wen Zhiru asked Fu Qianfan anxiously. It’s really puzzling that Wen Zhiru is in a daze.
Fu Qianfan found that she unconsciously thought a little too deeply and looked at Wen Zhiru apologetically. I’m fine. I’m sorry just now.
Nothing is good. I’m sure grandma and aunt will understand you. You’re not too worried. Wen Zhiru first entered the land and Fu Qianfan didn’t want to go to S city, which also explains the reason for Fu Qianfan’s absence just now.
If Fu Qianfan doesn’t want to go back to S city, it’s too good for her. With this Gaos thought, it’s impossible to sincerely agree with Gao Zhiyuan and Fu Qianfan. If Gaos thought doesn’t agree, isn’t it her chance?
The old lady Gao is not easy to deal with, but hasn’t Hu Meijing always liked her? It is necessary to be clever and considerate, and it is not difficult to get Hu Meijing’s letter again. That’s what she did before.
Knowing that Wen Zhiru misunderstood her, Fu Qianfan wanted to explain, but she didn’t know how to say it. She really didn’t think about it.
Fu Qianfan didn’t explain that Wen Zhiru was more sure, so he was in a better mood. Did Zhiyuan take you anywhere to play and take you to see the sunset in S city?
Gao Zhiyuan didn’t go to see the sunset with Wen Zhiru. Wen Zhiru heard Hu Meijing say that Gao Zhiyuan would go to the seaside to watch the sunset if he had it, so which seaside Wen Zhiru didn’t know that Wen Zhiru was guessing that Gao Zhiyuan was most likely to take Fu Qianfan to do something.
Seeing Fu Qianfan’s expression, Wen Zhiru knew that she guessed right, but she was in a bad mood. Gao Zhiyuan never refused to do things with her and actually did it with Fu Qianfan.
Fu Qianfan has been watching the sunset. Gao Zhiyuan has been there with her, but she doesn’t know that Wen Zhiru also knows that Wen Zhiru has been there, and Wen Zhiru also knows that place.
It’s normal for Gao Zhiyuan to go to play with Wen Zhiru. Fu Qianfan doesn’t want to hinder Gao Zhiyuan from making friends. It’s the seaside. Fu Qianfan always regards it as a holy place, where she and Gao Zhiyuan have witnessed her and Gao Zhiyuan’s fate. She can’t be trampled by others in her heart.
But now it is discovered that the woman who has been there with Gao Zhiyuan is not the only one, so it is no longer pure and her fate with Gao Zhiyuan is no longer. It is a fake to say that it is not uncomfortable. Qian Fan simply feels that there is a place in his heart that seems to have collapsed, but he wants to go but has to go.
Zhiyuan especially likes to watch the sunset, sometimes it takes a whole day, and after reading it, I’m not tired of going to see it again. I guess this should have something to do with Zhiyuan’s personality.
These words are all Wen Zhiru’s imagination, just not to let her be compared with Fu Qianfan. She wants Fu Qianfan to know that Fu Qianfan has done those things with Gao Zhiyuan, but she has done those things. Fu Qianfan certainly didn’t.
Wen Zhiru’s purpose in this visit is to break up Fu Qianfan and tell Gao Zhiyuan Wen Zhiru these words, so that Fu Qianfan can have a knot in his heart or let Fu Qianfan be suspicious.
Once Fu Qianfan is suspicious of Gao Zhiyuan, even if he can’t leave Fu Qianfan’s feelings with Gao Zhiyuan, Gao Zhiyuan can be unhappy with Fu Qianfan. If the contradiction deepens further, even Gao Zhiyuan will definitely regret being with such a suspicious and jealous woman.
It was Fu Qianfan who had a crack with Gao Zhiyuan that gave Jiang Jinan a chance to break through the defense line with her. Besides, she didn’t believe this opportunity or both sides, which could not destroy Fu Qianfan’s feelings with Gao Zhiyuan.
If Fu Qianfan and Jiang Jinan are good, even if they are not in good condition, once the two men and women happen, Gao Zhiyuan will definitely abandon Fu Qianfan without hesitation, just like she did at the beginning.
Wen Zhiru withdrew her thoughts and looked at Fu Qianfan’s face and became a little bad. Wen Zhiru decided to finish the matter while the iron is hot, so that she wouldn’t have to come to Fu Qianfan several times. She and Fu Qianfan are not real friends, and she should try her best to control her emotions. She should hate and reward Fu Qianfan for slapping her in the face before she dares to rob a man.
Zhiyuan was naughty when he was a child, and his aunt couldn’t help it, and Zhiyuan would never admit his mistake even if he was beaten and scolded. Zhiyuan is such a stubborn person, and grandma and aunt don’t know how much they care.
Wen Zhiru said that when Fu Qianfan knew S city, Fu Qianfan heard that it was Fu Qian who didn’t know that Wen Zhiru knew Gao Zhiyuan so well. Wen Zhiru and Gao Zhiyuan should have grown up together since childhood. Is that a childhood friend?
Fu Qianfan gave a wry smile in his heart. Wen Zhiru and Gao Zhiyuan are not childhood friends. What else can they be? Even relatives may not know more.
Listening to Wen Zhiru talking about Gao Zhiyuan, everyone feels that Wen Zhiru is Gao Zhiyuan’s girlfriend, and she seems to be nothing or destroying Wen Zhiru and Gao Zhiyuan’s third party.
Fu Qianfan knows that she shouldn’t reject or hate Wen Zhiru for saying these words. What’s wrong with Wen Zhiru? Wen Zhiru just tells her what she knows, and what’s the advantage for her to blame Wen Zhiru?
Suddenly, Fu Qianfan, a woman who is more familiar with Gao Zhiyuan than herself, felt a strong sense of frustration and strength. If she didn’t agree to come to eat this meal today, she wouldn’t feel this way, and her heart wouldn’t be hanging in the air like this.
If she didn’t come, she wouldn’t know the past between Wen Zhiru and Gao Zhiyuan. If she didn’t come, Gao Zhiyuan still belonged to her completely. If she didn’t come.
But in reality, where are so many? If the fact is that the fact happened, it happened. Does she still want to be kept in the dark forever?
Fu Qianfan clutched the thigh meat tightly with both hands as if she were going to pull it out. She is really uncomfortable now, suppressing the sour gas in her chest, and the pressure has been getting lower and lower and heavier.
There is no right or wrong in this matter, and there is no question if she accepts it, but it is equally difficult for Fu Qianfan to accept it.
















At the press conference after the game, Coleman first took a deep breath in front of all the reporters as if to calm down the excitement, and then said, I’m sorry, I seem to have returned to the state of being unable to restrain myself from being excited when I was a player. Today, Liverpool performed perfectly in this game, but I think praise should be given to my players. They showed invincible and plundered the ambition to win, which is good because we are the defending champions and want to kick us away. Sorry, we will show them what the championship strength is!

Coleman’s white field shocked reporters. Liverpool no longer seems to be hiding anything, and now it will make no secret of its championship ambitions.
Koman has saved for a long time, but now he is not squandering it, but showing a positive momentum.
Because he knows that he has tried to suppress the pride of Liverpool players
But Liverpool didn’t relax, didn’t despise their opponents and didn’t get tired of the game.
Then too much warning at this time will be disgusted by the players.
Coleman can also shout out the slogan of winning the championship and tell the outside world that Liverpool’s goal is to defend its title and successfully create the Champions League, and people can achieve glory!
Thomas, a sports columnist of The Times, raised his hand and asked, What do you think are the reasons why Liverpool finally beat A Milan 60 in a game? A Milan is by no means such a vulnerable opponent.
Coleman pondered for a moment and then replied, The reason is more complicated. First of all, Liverpool has more energy to prepare for this game. Even if our league opponent is Manchester United at the weekend, our lead in the standings is huge, and A Milan has a certain lead in Serie A, but the pursuers behind them put great pressure on them, which makes it difficult for them to choose between twotrack battles.
Secondly, Liverpool took away 20 victory at the San Siro, and we were ahead of the total score, which enabled us to face the game better. Liverpool have an advantage in mentality and spirit.
Finally, it is a comparison. Milan’s return in the first round is at the cost of injury. Gattuso Flamini’s suspension allows them to send some inexperienced teenagers in midfield.
The overall strength of Liverpool is stronger than that of A Milan. I firmly believe that Liverpool is stronger and then plays perfectly, and the tactical execution of the game is perfect. It is a reasonable result that we win.
I don’t think people who have watched the game will think that this game is a Milan’s abnormal performance. They can say that all factors are unfavorable to A Milan, but Liverpool didn’t make mistakes and the good state has already decided the result of this game.
Howard, a reporter from the Guardian, raised his hand and asked, Can you look forward to Liverpool’s coming to the Champions League? Do you want to avoid opponents in the strong draw?
Coleman shook his head directly and said, We will not be afraid of our opponents. This is what I have been repeating, but I think it is necessary to repeat this sentence because it represents Liverpool’s posture. We are the defending champions. It should be for all strong teams to try their best to avoid us instead of thinking about what opponents will create problems for us. However, I still want to say that no team is a weak team in the strong. Although Liverpool is not afraid of its opponents, we should be alert to our opponents. We cannot be careless.
Coleman said this firmly. Although he said this, he was more focused on drawing lots for opponents! to be continued
[The first volume of sword unsheathed has become a new plan of Feng 1313]
After the second leg of the Europa League quarterfinal on Thursday, UEFA held the draw ceremony for the UEFA Champions League.
England occupied three more seats in the top teams in the Champions League this season, and Arsenal was eliminated by Barcelona in the quarterfinal.
And these three teams from England were assigned to the same halfzone.
Liverpool vs Donetsk miners
Chelsea vs Manchester United
The other half is the Spanish duo.
Barcelona vs inter Milan
Real Madrid vs Schalke 4
In this way, Fleet Street first shouted the slogan that there will be an English team in the Champions League final.
First of all, it is not difficult for Liverpool to beat the Donetsk miners. Secondly, even if Liverpool is eliminated by Waterloo, it is unlikely that the Donetsk miners will continue to work miracles to eliminate Manchester United or Chelsea in the semifinals.
The strength of Premier League teams in Europe continues.
品茶Liverpool’s response to the draw for Donetsk miners was relatively dull.
However, the Liverpool coaching staff think this is a good thing.
Can make the team more fully prepared for future wars.
Weekend Premier League Third Round League Battle
Liverpool visited the stadium to challenge Sunderland, the black cat. Qin Xiong’s play was generally limited by Sunderland’s defensive focus, and even Suarez seemed unable to move in the front line. Sunderland put on an iron bucket array, which made Liverpool feel a little hard because the opponent ruled out the goalkeeper and nine players defended one player’s attack.
It was not until the first minute of the game that the deadlock was broken. Baines accidentally cut into the penalty area and hit the Sunderland defender with a longrange shot, which turned and refracted into the left corner of the goal to help the team score.
Sunderland conceded the goal and put a lot of pressure on Liverpool to win another city from meireles before the end of the game!
Got a 20 victory away from home. Liverpool’s terrorist momentum has not slipped at all.
In this head, meireles has performed well in several consecutive games, and he also has the confidence to challenge Liverpool Football Club.
He needs a firstteam position and more guarantees from the team.
He told the media that he would not rule out leaving Anfield if he could not get a stable appearance and team status guarantee in the future.
Coleman immediately talked to him and made some appeasement, which outlined a beautiful blueprint for his future. The team needed him. In this grand picture of the Red Army, meireles is now an indispensable puzzle.
Because Liverpool wants to build a dynasty!
To restore the glory of the past, it is not as simple as 11 main players who can recruit good fighters. The thickness of the array is a necessary foundation guarantee.
However, Coleman, a midfielder like Spearing trained in Liverpool’s youth training system, still can’t believe that he can’t see the great potential of the players in the future, so there is no need to persist in cultivating the waves and take the risk of slipping records at the same time.
A player like meireles can not only enrich Liverpool’s style of play, but also give the team expectations at the crucial moment. Of course, Liverpool will try to keep him, and it didn’t cost a lot when he was introduced last year
Meireles decided to keep him after communicating with head coach Coleman, and he really felt Coleman’s sincerity. He still enjoyed the team atmosphere, especially the height of the team’s ambition and strength, which made him full of expectations.
In the same round of Premier League matches,
Three points away from Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur was drawn by West Ham United at White Hart Lane, and the prospect of the fourth round became dim.







1. 推拿按摩:推拿按摩是余杭按摩的核心技法,通过推、拿、按、摩、揉、捏等手法,刺激人体穴位,调整经络气血,从而达到舒缓疲劳、缓解疼痛、增强体质的目的。

2. 精油按摩:余杭按摩师在按摩过程中,会根据客户的需求和身体状况,选用合适的精油,如薰衣草、玫瑰、迷迭香等,通过精油的作用,进一步提升按摩效果。

3. 热敷按摩:余杭按摩师会使用热敷毛巾敷在客户身上,配合按摩手法,帮助舒缓肌肉紧张,促进血液循环,缓解肩颈疼痛。

4. 拔罐按摩:拔罐按摩是余杭按摩的一大特色,通过拔罐的方式,刺激穴位,排出体内湿气,增强免疫力。


1. 实用性:本书以图文并茂的形式,详细介绍了余杭按摩的各种技法,让读者可以轻松学会并运用到日常生活中,为自己和家人带来健康和舒缓。

2. 互动性:书中设置了多个互动环节,如按摩技巧问答、按摩体验分享等,让读者在阅读过程中,可以积极参与,提升按摩体验。

3. 个性化:本书针对不同人群、不同身体状况,提供了多种按摩方案,让读者可以根据自己的需求,选择最适合自己的按摩方式。


1. 余杭区拥有众多专业的按摩机构,如余杭按摩医院、余杭养生按摩中心等,为游客提供了丰富的按摩体验。

2. 在余杭的旅游景点,如西溪国家湿地公园、径山寺等,游客可以一边欣赏美景,一边享受按摩服务,感受余杭按摩的独特魅力。

3. 余杭区的酒店、民宿也纷纷推出按摩服务,让游客在住宿过程中,可以随时享受舒缓保健的乐趣。


Scholes gave the ball to the winger Ronaldo after crossing the center line. It seems that Manchester United will try Ronaldo’s offensive core exhibition again!

Ronaldo picked the ball in the middle with five meters to go to Ramos.
Rooney, who was active in running, let Diarra and Gutigenfa block him at the first time. In particular, Rooney was the first to get stuck in the football, and Guti’s arrival later could interfere with Rooney’s stealing.
Rooney Guti does a physical confrontation, bumps Guti slightly and then jumps to head back!
This is an unexpected choice.
It is often the court that makes the opponent more vulnerable, especially in offense.
Cong players should learn to get back just right!
After the midfield, Scholes received Rooney’s header, and Rooney led Diarra and Guti in the forward position, which made Scholes now be able to clearly see Tevez in the front line after reviewing the situation!
Only Scholes, the great master of England, delivered the fruits with one foot accurately and directly.
The football rolled two meters from Diarra’s side and retreated to catch Tevez’s foot.
Behind Tevez, Heinze and Cannavaro form a double defense to prevent Tevez from controlling the ball and turning around.
But Tevez tilted the ball or returned it, but returned it to the wing
At this time, I assisted Carrick to stop the ball and adjust the observation when he was staring at the defense and then kick at 45 degrees!
Carrick’s goal obviously flew to the back of the penalty area and the football flew at a high altitude.
Pepe predicted the landing point of the football at the back of the penalty area. He also observed the position of Ronaldo during the movement.
In front of him, Pepe made up his mind that he was the first to get stuck in the landing position, so Ronaldo would not have a chance to compete with him!
However, just as Pepe moved to the point where he judged the football to fall, Ronaldo obliquely inserted from his right front and left side of his body, almost sticking to his body, and took off quickly before approaching Ronaldo.
Pepe was stunned and shocked during the takeoff!
It’s like a statue of an ancient ghost rising into the sky!
Pepe’s eyes are splitting. He’s wrong!
He knew he was wrong!
He predicted that there was no problem with the landing point, but that was measured by his own jumping height
But beside him, Ronaldo, his jumping ability and lagging ability exceeded expectations!
Even a head higher than that is enough for Pepe to regret at this time!
Ronaldo at Luzhniki Stadium seems to stand out from the crowd in the restricted area of Real Madrid, and his horrible jumping ability seems to freeze him in the middle. When the football comes, his opponent has one!
The forehead slammed into the football. Ronaldo was tall and straight, and his eyes were as strong as the god of war!
The football saved hard in casillas and flew into the Real Madrid goal against the crossbar!
The first goal on the stage of the Champions League final was born!
Real Madrid were shocked when Ronaldo landed!
It’s like getting to know this Portuguese superstar again!
Luo Yong won the three armies! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a 64point strategic diversion]
Ronaldo’s goal made the red devils fans in the stands fall into a longlost madness!
Forget depression, worry, fear, real Madrid’s crazy attack, fire, fear of being left behind
At this moment, they want to shout and cheer for Ronaldo!
What about Real Madrid unbeaten in the season?
Didn’t we take the lead in breaking the door?
Let Real Madrid taste the worst defeat today!
Ronaldo ran to the sidelines with a passionate roar after scoring.
桑拿按摩He seems to be swearing in the birth of the real king, and he is surrounded by the Red Devils, just like the stars holding the moon.
my god! Cristiano Ronaldo headed the goal!
Manchester United played a dazzling teamwork in this attack.
Carrick Scholes, Ronaldo Rooney Tevez participated in the attack, which included vertical and horizontal tearing of Real Madrid’s defensive formation.
The key point is that Ronaldo’s amazing header in Carrick.
Let’s watch Ronaldo’s header again. Oh, my God, when he jumped to the top, he was almost half a body taller than Pepe!
Pepe made a mistake. He didn’t get stuck in Ronaldo’s takeoff position, but what if he got stuck in that position?
He won’t touch the ball when he takes off, so it will be a headlift, and Ronaldo will score more easily at the back point.
Now that Real Madrid are behind, they need to work harder on the attack.
Manchester United 1: ahead of Real Madrid!
Ferguson rose from the coach’s chair and Ronaldo applauded.
Bosque is sitting in the coach’s seat with a dignified expression.
Who is better than Manchester United in Real Madrid?
There is no point in thinking about this question, because the football game is never based on the past, nor is it that the strong will win, but the winner is stronger!
From the analysis of the skills and tactics of the two teams, the attack of Real Madrid is obviously stronger than that of Manchester United.
But Real Madrid’s defense is obviously weaker than Manchester United’s.
This is just a titfortat contrast.
Stronger attack versus stronger defense
Slightly weak attack vs. slightly weak defense
If you insist that Real Madrid has any difficulty, it is that it is more difficult to attack than to defend in football matches!
Now it’s time to test Real Madrid. Can we attack at the crucial moment to avoid the situation from getting worse?
Bosque didn’t make any adjustments.
Real Madrid’s generals sometimes face the chaos of losing the ball.
However, Ronaldo’s goal is really shocking and has a certain impact on the player’s psychology.











You won, but that’s it. When my master kills you, I’ll be there to enjoy the scene. I’m leaving. Your roots can’t keep me! He took a step back and continued to maintain the power of mental storm. Even though he couldn’t kill the heroes, the ordinary people on the ground were so shocked and bleeding that the damage caused by mental breakdown was by no means lower than all the damage caused by natural disasters in the First World War.

Grom was also greatly affected on the ground. He was so painful that he couldn’t hold the handle of the blood roar axe. Blockx easily sold the Grom weapon and kicked the other side to the ground.
Before striding, the Orc Death Knight grunted Your time has come to Grom and he raised the rune axe.
I … won’t give up!
Dalkan himself will leave easily, but behind him, Angel Yan and Zhi Xin endured the pain of mental collapse and forced the hammer stone to come over.
The distance is enough Hammer Shiyin is not as crazy as before, but with unprecedented dignity.
Be sure to win!
It’s up to you!
Two angels entrust way
I won’t miss. Hammer stone waved his hook and sickle twice and threw it out.
The hook and sickle flies in the direction where Dalkan retreats. No one knows if Dalkan will hit the sickle when it flies back faster than ordinary people.
Jiang Weihan saw the hammer stone operation out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to do something to distract the stacking and avoid Dalkan’s first detection.
Darkan, your Lord Archimonde and Kilgardan were chased and played by me in the distortion! They run away like dogs, and there is no future for you to follow them!
Dalkan’s one leng is a bit long, and its meaning is even more intriguing. He is inevitably distracted, but Archimonde is so powerful that a siege by Jiang Weihan and others during the Sunwell War failed to resist him. This is obviously a lame lie!
品茶This joke … Darkan was about to make a satire when suddenly his waist tightened and he was caught by a hook and sickle! There is a strong pulling force at the other end of the chain, and Jandard can’t get away.
Bingo! Hammer Shiyin became crazy again, and his eyes were more excited than mine.
Right now! Jiang Weihan’s eyes burst into an unprecedented look. Behind him, a light wing force, a distant Syndra, also drove his strongest mind. These two forces blessed him with a series of phantoms that were indistinguishable to the naked eye and rushed to Darkan near.
No one can save you now! Jiang Weihan roared, a silvery white trial bloomed with the strongest sacred flame, and with a forward momentum, he split the past at the neck of the Lich King to be continued.
Chapter 171 Slay the Lich King ()!
After Darkan obeyed orders and went to Gilneas, Arthas, the lich king, became the actual commander of the scourge of ghosts. He and Anatheron, the fear Lord, led the Burning Legion, and the demons were storming Zuaman.
Before they burned the war here, in fact, the black witch Farina and the dirty Hilgai had brought a lot of trouble to the forest trolls.
Farina stole some herbs from the troll witch doctor, and Hilgai needed them. The undead scholar refined them into plague poison. They secretly poured the plague poison into the troll drinking place, and a few days later, thousands of trolls were infected into ghouls.
The two secretly ordered these servants to make trouble everywhere, which made the troll very headache. The ruler Zurkin was in great flames while suppressing chaos and looking for these hateful mice.
Hilguet and Farina carefully hid their hideandseek with trolls. Except for the first poison, the subsequent actions did not bring too much loss to trolls, but they made the trolls nervous and afraid of eating unclean things.
Zurkin ordered the sacrifices to summon animal godsa bobcat god with a keen sense of smell and a giant eagle god with extraordinary vision. With the help of the two animal gods, the two poisoned mice were finally trapped in the four corners, and Zurkin finally caught them!
But at this time, the Burning Legion has destroyed eversong woods and turned the war into here. The ghosts are full of arson demons all night.
Not only do the elves love the forest, but the trolls burn the forest in this life. It is the trolls who put up with their anger after completing the law. Zurkin ordered his sorcery Lord Malakas to lead an army to kill these demons and undead, but no, they went to the devil to trouble the other side and took the initiative to knock on the door. The army of undead and demons directly entered the territory of Zuaman.
The forest troll who just joined the battle immediately realized that the Burning Legion was powerful, agile and cruel. The troll soldiers came to be the jungle killers and the best soldiers, but they were completely stunned by the minions of the Burning Legion. Countless armies of undead descended from the sky to guard the bloodsucking Nasrezm strong abyss demons … each kind is a deadly enemy, and they have never seen and experienced each kind.
On the first day, relying on the gate to defend the trolls, thousands of heavy casualties were paid, and the Zuamman sacrifices had to summon more animal gods to help them.
Arthas personally led the army to fight in the front line. He chose a giant bobcat opponentthis beast is quick and cruel, and its claws have killed hundreds of natural disasters.
After a fierce battle, Arthas won. He stepped on the convulsive giant bobcat and pulled out the sword that was inserted into the beast’s chest.
This bobcat is a bobcat god summoned by trolls. The beliefs of Haraz trolls are very complicated and strange. They often give the souls of the ancestors of dead trolls or the souls of strong beasts. After absorbing their faith, they may become the gods who protect them (loa gods). These patron deities have absorbed incense and naturally have the righteousness to protect them. Troll believers can summon these gods when trolls are in crisis.
But the gods are not necessarily powerful enemies. In fact, many loa Lwa L’wha (LOA gods) are even more powerful than ordinary heroes, but there will still be some powerful people, such as the bobcat god Haraz, whose physical strength is not weak. Unfortunately, it has touched Arthas.
That’s all. Arthas sneered contemptuously and kicked the body of the bobcat god. The forest trolls in the distance looked at him with fear, sadness and despair. Their patron saint was killed right in front of them!
Kill them all! Arthas sword shouted
Several undead and demons rushed to the gate of Zuaman. For thousands of years, the high elves and the alliance failed to break through the troll fortress. The legion was burning and the front was crumbling.
At this moment, Arthas suddenly felt that his control over the Scourge was weakened. Some of these undead … seemed to be a little grumpy and attacked demons around him regardless of friends or enemies.
It’s Darkan. He’s … dead? Arthas guessed the answer at once
Only when the Lich King dies will the undead get out of control. Arthas, after all, came from another world and was able to control some natural disasters. After all, it was Indar who granted this world the name of natural disasters belongs to the real Lich King Dalkan, and most of his power was not lost. It is not right for Arthas to wear this helmet himself, which was destroyed by Illidan.
Arthas guessed the answer immediately after he felt this grumpy mood.
Darkan’s spirit can sense the power of this sword, and he has many ways to avoid it if he is not hooked by the hammer chain.
But the real ending is that he is entangled in the hammer, stone, hook and sickle and can’t even raise his hand.
Death Judgment Hammer Stone gave this hook a cold name. Being hooked means death!
Jiang Weihan felt that his spirit, qi and spirit were highly unified, and this sword broke out with unprecedented power. A blue flame crossed Dalkan neck and drew a beautiful arc.
The Lich King’s head has left his body, and the fire in his eyes, which was once weaker than the vigorous soul, seems to be extinguished at any time.
The skull wearing the lich king’s crown fell to the ground, and Jiang Weihan followed suit.
The helmet collided with the ground, and the skull wrapped in it tumbled out. Jiang Weihan came to the skull of Dalkan, and the other party came up with an idea that contained regret. He ignored the fact that he held the hilt with both hands and stabbed it directly.
The white trial broke the skull and the skull trembled, and then the soul fire inside was completely extinguished.
Calcas stole the soul, and a powerful soul floated in. There was a flash name on the page.
Lich KingFall!
The heroes came back to the ground and shouted, but it’s not yet time to be happy. The undead are out of control, and they are in chaos. They are rushing towards the front line. They are even more crazy and bloodthirsty. At this moment, the pressure on the alliance and tribal front is even greater than just now!
Grom, who had just been influenced by the power of mental storm, almost died in Blockx. The axe was rushed to save him with the pain of Saurfang’s brain explosion. But even at that time, even the two of them were able to resist Blockx’s power and violently attacked two orc soldiers in Blockx. Even though they tried their best to resist and dodge, they were still scratched by the rune axe. Blood was pouring out.
The situation is very critical. They may collapse completely at any moment!
It was not until Dalkan’s head was cut off and the power of mental storm disappeared that Grom and Saurfang got a break.
When Jiang Weihan completely killed the Lich King, the natural disaster fell into chaos, and Blockx was greatly affected. He lost the spirit of induction with the Lich King and immediately fell into the void. However, it was also at this time that he found that he had an independent will! He no longer fights the Lich King, but he fights himself!
Grom said to chop Blockx rune axe roared Blockx your Lord is dead! Now it’s your time!








1. 桑拿按摩:通过高温桑拿房的热力作用,加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢,使身体得到深度放松。专业按摩师运用娴熟的按摩手法,针对肩颈、背部、腰部等部位进行按摩,缓解肌肉疲劳,改善睡眠质量。

2. 中药熏蒸:选用道地中药材,结合现代科技提取其有效成分,通过熏蒸的方式作用于人体,具有祛湿、驱寒、舒筋活络的功效,对各种关节疼痛、肌肉酸痛等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. 足浴养生:通过足浴的方式,使双脚得到充分的放松,改善足部血液循环,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。同时,按摩师还会为您进行足部按摩,刺激穴位,调节内脏功能。






Maybe this is the situation of every rural family. Usually, women and men dare not say anything about small things, but when it comes to big things, it is time for men to come to heaven, and women have the right to listen silently.

Li she bit her teeth and I don’t know if she should tell her parents that she is dead. The main reason is that she is afraid that her parents can’t stand this stimulus.
Come on, you go and spend time with your daughterinlaw. These days, these daughtersinlaw are thinking about you all day, said Li’s father.
But … Li She also wants to spend time with her parents.
Li’s mother also thought it was the most important thing to be happy by herself. We waited for you to go to the field for several days, and now it’s time to go to the field.
Mom and Dad, are you going back to work in reality? Li she asked
Yes! Is there anything else? Asked Li’s mother
Forget it, let’s talk about it! Li involved in grind thought.
Don’t get excited when your parents tell you something, said Li Sheshen.
Li’s parents also felt that Li’s tone was a little heavy and confused. What is it?
I’m dead! Li She said, and then hurriedly said, Don’t get excited. I’ll explain to you.
Li’s parents looked excited in front of them, and Li looked at each other. Finally, Li’s mother said, Do you have a fever? Aren’t you in front of us?
Strictly speaking, I can live in the game and I can never return to reality, said Li She. Remember to bring you a helmet Qin? He had an accident when he went back, but he was still alive in the game.
桑拿会所How do I some don’t understand? What game, live or die? Li’s mother is not at home.
Li’s father Shen said, Son, do you mean that a dead person in reality can still live in the game if he wants to enter this game before?
hmm! Li she nodded his head.
Oh my God! Involve you! Li involved mother panic way
It’s mom! I am dead! Li she cried with her mother in her arms
Li’s mother stroked Li’s face with rough hands for fear that Li would disappear, and murmured, How did this happen? How did this happen? How …
You wait for us! Li’s father took Li’s mother’s direct line
Li she just sat there, afraid that his mother couldn’t stand the blow and felt more and more regretful about telling the news.
In just a few minutes, Li’s parents came back, and Li’s mother stopped crying and directly hugged Li and said, This is good for her.
What’s the matter? Li She is very confused.
Li’s father said lightly, Your mother and I just drank a bottle of pesticide.
what! Li’s shock ratio
Your mother and I have discussed that it is better to live a leisurely life here than to toil in the fields every day. Li’s father laughed
Dad! Mom! Li She doesn’t know how many times she cried.
Li She’s mother wiped away her tears and said, What’s the point of keeping the world alive without you, silly child?
A word directly made Li She cry like a child.
Chapter 12 Men in Two Hours
Stop crying and go and spend time with your daughterinlaw! Li’s father said
I can talk about you every day for a few daughtersinlaw. Go! Li’s mother also said
Li She nodded and went outside to find that Bian Shi and others had left, probably because she didn’t want to disturb herself and talk to her parents.
A warm current moistens Li She’s heart. It’s good to have such a wife.
Li guessed that they should all be convenient for the mother’s residence and walked to the mother’s place.
When I came to the door, I heard the sound of the mother, and I remembered the mother’s appearance. Sometimes I really don’t know what to say. I still remember the first time I met the mother. At that time, Li was absolutely amazing. She positioned the mother as an inviolable goddess, but after understanding it, she found that the root was a lively and active girl with very different personalities.
Li She was about to go in when she suddenly heard that the bride seemed to be arguing about something, so she listened in situ and wanted to know what the bride was arguing about.
Sister Ning is the first time I know xianggong and I am the second lady! Inside the bride suddenly urgent way
Sister Ning? Should be xianggong Zhang Ning? It’s not me, is it? So what does this have to do with Zhang Ning? Li She thinks well.
Do as you say, do you still know xianggong before Sister Bian? Are you going to be a big lady? Zhang Ning quipped lukewarm.
Sister Ning, you … you are unreasonable! There is nothing to say when the mother is refuted.
Come on, aren’t you all married to Li Lang? At this time, Bian Shi interjected as a rounder. There is no shortage of headaches these days.
In ancient times, having three wives and four concubines expressed the meaning of one wife, two flat wives and many concubines.
They all want to marry me! Li she finally understood some surprise and accidentally hit the door and made a slight noise.
who? Li She immediately heard the sound of drawn sword and then Zhang Ning drank cold.
Hey hey! Li entered the house, hey hey smiled and said it was me.
Li Lang! Xianggong! Hum!
What I got was that three women reacted differently. Bian Shi smiled and jumped at Li She directly, while Zhang Ning put the sword into the sheath and snorted coldly.
Like a koala, the motherinlaw hung around Li’s neck, and Li said happily, Is xianggong coming to find the motherinlaw!
Shit! Li involved in the heart dark call a this bitch Li involved in touch instantaneous let Li involved in the reaction just resisted the bitch hanging ass.
hey! xianggong, don’t stick to resist the bride. The bride feels very uncomfortable. Say, I still want to touch what it is.
Hearing this, Bian Shi covered her mouth with a charming smile. Zhang Ning’s face was also slightly red. Li She quickly stopped the action of the mother, held her up and said, We don’t say this. Is the mother used to it here?
After Li She finished, she went directly to Bian Shi, who was sitting beside the bed. Bian Shi also wanted to sit beside Li She and made a place specially.
Who knows that after Li sat on the bed, he directly hugged Bian Shi and sat on his thigh. It was better to hide it, but it made Bian Shi blush directly.
After Li She had the cover of Bian Shi, she didn’t suppress herself. After the outbreak, she resisted Bian Shi.
In particular, the bride also said, Sister Bian, why is your face so red? It is to make Bian Shi blush and drop water.
Oh, it’s hot, Bian Shi explained in a panic.
Actually, you can’t blame Li for all the trouble! There are two mobile aphrodisiacs. How can Li She hold it here?
The bride is not white, Bian Shi will be like this, but Zhang Ningbai!
Mother, let’s go outside and have a look! Zhang Ning said.






1. 安全无副作用:中医推拿是一种纯物理疗法,无药物成分,避免了药物治疗的副作用。

2. 简便易行:中医推拿不需要特殊的设备和场地,随时随地都可以进行。

3. 疗效显著:中医推拿对于舒缓肩颈疼痛、改善亚健康状态具有显著疗效。



1. 政府支持:杭州市政府高度重视中医药事业的发展,积极推广中医推拿等传统疗法,为市民提供更多健康服务。

2. 机构增多:越来越多的中医推拿机构在杭州成立,为市民提供便捷的中医推拿服务。

3. 专业人才:杭州中医推拿行业吸引了大量专业人才,他们具备丰富的临床经验和专业知识,为市民提供高质量的推拿服务。



1. 按摩:通过手法按压,刺激肩颈部的穴位,缓解肌肉紧张,改善血液循环。

2. 推拿:运用手法推、拿、揉、捏等技巧,舒缓肩颈部的肌肉,消除疼痛。

3. 拔罐:在肩颈部拔罐,可以促进局部血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。

4. 针灸:通过针刺肩颈部的穴位,调节阴阳平衡,缓解疼痛。



1. 保持正确的坐姿和站姿:长时间保持不良姿势会导致肩颈疼痛,因此要注意调整坐姿和站姿。

2. 适当锻炼:加强颈部和肩部的锻炼,提高肌肉力量,预防疼痛。

3. 定期进行中医推拿:定期进行中医推拿,可以预防肩颈疼痛,保持身体健康。

4. 培养良好的生活习惯:保持良好的作息时间,避免过度劳累,养成健康的饮食习惯。


For example, Real Madrid must make efforts! to be continued

[The first volume of the sword has not been unsheathed, and it has become a front 11 and leveled Anfield! ]
After taking a 20 lead in Liverpool, Real Madrid was eager to equalize the score, but in the coming period, it gave Liverpool more opportunities to read the latest update of the novel, W W W.
In the 22nd minute of the game, Kuyt broke Gago’s ball to Ronaldo and instigated a counterattack. Qin Xiong went forward on the left and sturm und drang caught Gerrard’s ball, then swept the ball directly across the penalty area!
约茶Torres rushes out from behind Pepe and shoots the ball into the Real Madrid goal.
Casillas kept the ball out of the baseline with a horizontal save!
Two minutes later, Alonso went straight to Torres in the backcourt, who handed the ball back to Steven Gerrard before the penalty area. After Steven Gerrard broke through LasDiarra, he tilted the ball to the left rib of the penalty area.
Qin Xiong cut the ball in the restricted area and shot after getting rid of Pepe’s defense. He pursued a small angle shot and hit the near corner of the goal, successfully deceiving casillas football, but hit the post and popped the bottom line!
Qin Xiong felt more sorry for not scoring the goal.
Before the game came to the third minute, Qin Xiong crossed the middle road and Gerrard transposed and headed straight ahead.
Qin Xiong picked the restricted area obliquely in front of the restricted area. Steven Gerrard took off in the running and headed the goal. His header was a far corner. It was impossible for casillas to move for the first time to block the far corner of the goal, but the football finally landed slightly above the crossbar at the top of the net.
Anfield is a sigh and a clap. Red Army fans are looking forward to seeing the team score a goal, but the goal is always close.
Everyone in Real Madrid is scared, including pellegrini
But Coleman frowned.
It is not a good sign to miss good opportunities in succession. There is always a situation similar to the sixth sense in the football field, and if you don’t grasp the opportunity, you will be punished.
Real Madrid managed to calm down and organize the offensive more patiently and steadily.
In the 32nd minute of the game, Van der Vaart crossed the ball on the right and came to the edge of the front waistline. Then he made a cutting tendency and attracted Alonso’s attention. Alonso just moved one step to prepare for the defense. Van der Vaart tilted the ball behind Alonso.
In that film, when the football just rolled over Scott, it was ready to clear the way, but Kaka stabbed the ball into the penalty area faster than he did, while dodging Scott himself and then rushing into the penalty area!
The human ball has been divided!
Kaka is a shot if he doesn’t adjust the chase after entering the penalty area!
The goal came so suddenly that the Liverpool defence seemed to have a flaw in an instant, and Kaka suddenly broke out at the peak of the past!
Reina hardly responded. Football flashed like an aurora in front of his eyes and then flew straight to the goal behind him!
wow! Kaka Kaka scored! He pulled back a goal from Real Madrid, and now Real Madrid is behind to give Liverpool a goal.
Kaka scored a clean goal. He responded to Van der Vaart’s ball and scored into the penalty area. Then he volleyed and scored a goal. This goal reminds people of the best Kaka of the year.
Real Madrid’s morale was boosted and Kaka rushed to the sidelines to celebrate.
In fact, it is acceptable for Real Madrid to lose 12 away.
After all, they have a home game to play.
So they don’t need to deliberately race against time.
Liverpool’s confidence has not been frustrated, but they still need to coordinate with each other in defense in the middle and back court.
The Red Army immediately launched a new offensive after the game resumed.
In fact, the Red Army didn’t play smart enough after 20, but because it was at Anfield or at their home, the Red Army needed to play its own role, especially in front of rivals like Real Madrid.
That’s the attitude is not weaker than the opponent’s temperament.
In the 35th minute of the game, Qin Xiong obliquely gave the ball to Fernando Torres in the frontcourt. He kicked the ball out and gave it to Gerard in the rear, who stuffed it straight and then returned it to Torres. At this time, Torres had reversed himself and moved forward. He forced his foot to shoot after catching the ball on the right side of Albiol’s body.
The football went straight into casillas’s arms.
Real Madrid instigated a counterattack
Casillas threw the ball to Ramos, who tilted the ball in the frontcourt. Kaka contracted the defense in the Liverpool midfield and gave the ball to Ronaldo
Ronaldo made a cut on the ball and then eagerly completed a longrange shot.
Football is also directly received by Reina, and Ronaldo seems to be a bit hasty.
In the third minute of the game, Liverpool’s midfield and frontcourt cooperation was intercepted.
Dirk Kuyt’s ball to Gerrard was successfully intercepted by Lasdiarra, who directly instigated the fast break. He gave the ball to Ronaldo.
When Glen Johnson tried to grab Ronaldo personally, Ronaldo directly dribbled the football across the middle of the road to dump the opponent.
Mascherano moved to defend Ronaldo’s Portuguese superstar headon, and after ensuring that Mascherano would not interfere with Kaka, he gave the ball to Brazil’s front waist.
Ronaldo cut the penalty area directly after the ball.
Mascherano is still on the move to block Kaka Ronaldo’s ball line.
Kaka saw that he would be surrounded by Gerard Alonso and others and immediately gave the ball to the winger Van der Vaart.











